Chapter 8

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They walked through the secret path, simply following Rory hesitantly, well, Iris and Noel were hesitant, Samuel was surprisingly giddy.

"Why are you so happy?" Noel asked Samuel

"Oh, it's because I'm not worried." Samuel replied.

"Why not??"

"If we get caught, it's not going to be bad. Iris can teleport, you can fly, and I can be sliced in 1,000 pieces and as long as I can find them all, I'll heal all the way back up."

"Does getting hit, hurt?"

"Ehh, kinda, but not as much as you would. If anybody should be worried here, it's star-boy over here."

"Trust me, if we get caught I'm last to die." Rory said.

"You don't smile much, do you?" Iris asked.


"So, any reason? Mysterious/sad backstory?"

" Sad backstory? No. Mysterious backstory? Yes. Do I not smile because of that backstory? No."

"What was it like living in this place? And, how did you get here?" Noel asked.

"When I was "born", a group of Illagers that were traveling found me. They approached me with crossbows and were about to shoot. I showed appearance of my powers to them. They were kind of just, scared. They picked me up and put me on the carriage. When we got to the castle, the Illagers showed me to the general. They offered to despise of me, but the general decided I would be useful upon hearing about my powers. As I grew up, I was put in the position to become a soldier in the castle. I was always a greater fighter than any other Illagers around me, to the point I was respected as the General's right hand man. I was never allowed out of this Castle, the only things I know about the outside world is what I've learned in my studies growing up. I was sent to get something from the General's office when I noticed a letter on his desk. It was titled 'Dragonborne Conversation' It had an entire conversation between the two talking about her plans. I was terrified. Later on, instead of staying inside my resting area, I snuck out and listened inside to the General. I had opened the door slightly to see what was going on. The General had gotten up from his chair and walked into the middle of the room. His right eye had changed into some weird blue/green eye. Another form of that eye had appeared in the air. I had seen the same eye with the claw around it at the castle before, but I just didn't know what it was. The floating eye got larger and thinner and transformed into some visual portal, where I could slightly see the Dragonborne. They talked about her plan. Her plan to take over the world by stealing the powers of people like us, the Origins. The General was to take me somewhere the next day, where the Dragonborne would visit and slay me to have my power. My head was running. I stepped away from the door and started to go back to my mattress, when the General opened the door. 'You weren't supposed to hear that, Rory.' He said to me. I started to run. He threw his axe at me and almost sliced my head off. I managed to escape through this pathway, where I made my way outside. I ran through the forest and saw an Illager, that I threw my own axe at. Which is when I meant you three."

"Wait, 'the next day'? Like, today?" Iris asked, seemingly very worried.

"Well, yes. However, I assume that the General has already warned the Dragonborne about my absence. Do not worry. We're almost at the closest exit to the General's office, be as quiet as possible." Rory replied.

They walked down a small hallway as quietly as possible. They looked around the corner.

There was a hallway that was somewhat like a bridge, with a door at the end. At the metal office door, there were two very heavily armored guards. In the hallway, there were four less-armored guards, with two spaced out on each side.

"Okay, Noel and Iris, you take out the front two guards, Samuel, you can take out the back two, and I will deal with the door-guards. Got it?"

"Yep." Samuel and Iris said.

Noel nodded.

Rory held a gesture to wait. After a few seconds he put up a gesture to go. Iris teleported to the left guard, Samuel jumped forward to the middle guards, and Rory ran forward to the door guards.

Noel took a deep breath, and ran to the right guard.

* * * 

Noel sliced against the guard, which the guard blocked with his shield. Noel continued to swing his sword against him, to not much effect.

The guard swung with his own sword at Noel, which he barely managed to dodge. Noel finally managed to get a good slice in the guards arm.

The guard got angry and swung his sword as hard  as he could to hit Noel, which he parried. Even though he was able to get that good slash, the two were stuck at a stalemate where neither could hit each other.

Noel spread his wings and blasted forward, grabbing the guard as he went up. At the peak of his flight, he thew the guard towards the ground.

He flew back down and checked the guards pulse. Alive. Maybe a few broken bones, but alive.

At the same time,

Iris teleported around her guard multiple times, confusing the guard and hitting him with the trident. Iris teleported above the guard and hit the guard to the ground.

Samuel was jumping around and smashing the guards into each other, taking them out.

Noel heard and saw Rory using some kind of small explosion and his axe to take down the armored guarded surprisingly quickly.

* * *

After all of the guard were defeated, they grouped back together.

"Were you using explosions?" Noel asked.

"My power gives me the ability to summon small meteorite-like projectiles, which people have told me are similar to a Ghast's." Rory replied.

"Samuel, look through the door and warn us of any oncoming people. You two, we are going to look through anything in there that could have intel on the Dragonborne." Rory ordered.

They walked inside the office.

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