The Hotel

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Pairing: Mark/Robbie, implied Mark/Gary.                                                                                   

Rating: R                                                                                                                                                                

Disclaimer: None of this ever happened, not real. 

A/N: Any comments are appreciated! 

   "Ah!" Robbie giggles, he loves hearing the noises Mark makes when he nips at his skin. He continues to kiss Mark's chest, his tongue slowly making its way towards his nipple. As he slowly licks over it he hears Mark's voice from above him. 

  "Are you sure you locked the door?" He looks down at him and rolls his eyes. 

   "Yes, now would you relax?" As Robbie leans up and pulls his t-shirt over his head, Mark freezes below him, he never really thought it would go this far. Earlier when he and Robbie were talking on his bed, everything between them was normal, they were laughing as usual making jokes here and there, he never thought they would actually have sex. 

  When Robbie first kissed him he had hesitated, not sure where it would lead, but he trusted his self-control enough to just carry on. Then when Robbie started telling him about how he had wanted them to be together for so long, he felt guilty, like he owed it to him to sleep with him. He knew it wasn't Robbie he really wanted to be with, he wasn't the one he wanted planting kisses over his chest, or the one he wanted to share an intimate moment with, but it had gone too far. 

  He couldn't stop Robbie now, not after he had told him how he felt, Mark wouldn't be able to see the look on his face as he told him how 'he' truly felt. Robbie flung his top to the floor smiling down at Mark; Mark tries to make his smile genuine hoping Robbie wouldn't notice the regret in his eyes. Everything to Robbie is oblivious, he never notices the look of regret in Mark's eyes, all he cares about is getting the thing he has wanted for so long. Robbie undoes his jeans as well as Mark's; he rushes to take his off and then whips Mark's jeans down his legs. 

   "You're keen." Mark tries to joke. Robbie leans down and kisses his lips with urgency. 

   "I've been waiting for this for so long, of course I'm keen." Mark smiled, swallowing down the guilt that was building in his throat. 

  "Are you sure about this?" Mark puts his hand on Robbie's chest, stopping him momentarily. Robbie nods his head enthusiastically, then leans down to kiss him passionately, every so often sucking his tongue, causing elicit moans to filter from both their mouths. Mark's body can't help itself and begins to respond to Robbie's touch, as they both begin to get hard, Robbie wantonly grinds his hips down causing Mark to let go of his bottom lip to moan loudly. Robbie grins again, loving those noises. Mark pushes his hips up just at the exact point Robbie pushes his down. 

   "Ah Robbie." He parts his legs to wrap them round Rob's waist, as he looks down to see their crotches rubbing together. 

   "Hmmm." Robbie moans rubbing his hands up and down his lover's chest, their moans increase, everything around them is blocked out. 

   "Rob have you seen Mark?" Howard says as he pushes the door open, Robbie and Mark turn their heads towards the door to see a shocked looking Howard, Gary and Jason stood there. Mark shakes himself from his frozen stature and quickly pushes Robbie away, pulling the duvet over them both. But it was too late, their friends had already seen their undressed state. 

  "Oh, there he is." Howard blinks. Robbie feels Mark grip the duvet tighter, the latter never feeling so guilty and full of regret in his life. 

   "Erm...we were just..." Robbie tried, but had no idea how to explain himself with this one. Jason and Howard chuckled. 

   "Yeah, you were just looking for something right?" Jason laughed. 

 * * * 

  Later on when they were sat downstairs at the bar, Howard and Jason would not stop teasing Robbie and Mark, whilst Gary just sat in silence, not wanting to join in.  

  "And your pants were pretty tight!" Howard and Jason turned to each other and laughed. Robbie chuckled along, whilst Mark rolled his eyes. He looked at Gary to see him watching his hands that were in his lap. Mark turned back to the boys, as Howard came up with another joke. 

   "Yeah tighty whiteys!" They burst out laughing again; Robbie couldn't help but laugh along. "So does this mean your now together, like a couple?" Howard asked them. Robbie took another sip of his orange juice as he looked out the corner of his eye at Mark. Mark didn't say anything, just looked away not wanting to see the look Gary had on his face. Gary watched his face intently, trying to see what his reaction would be, but couldn't see one. 

  "Erm...I dunno, maybe in the future." Robbie grinned, picking up a handful of nuts from the bowl in front of him. Gary watched as Mark's face slightly winced, Mark couldn't think of a more worse answer Robbie could have given. 

  "Well, I guess we'll get used to it, it won't be so bad if you're a couple. As long as you don't keep us up with your shagging." Once again they burst out laughing. Mark looked up at Gary from under his fringe, and winced again as he watched him push his chair back and stand up. He watched him walk away, and felt a tug on his heart. 

  "What's wrong with him?" Robbie mumbled asking the other two. Howard shrugged, and Jason looked at Mark. 

  "I don't think he's feeling too well." He answered, having a feeling he knew the real reason as to why Gary was grumpy. Mark decided enough was enough; he pushed his chair back and hurried after Gary, finally catching up with him outside the lift. 

  "Gary wait, please?" He called after him as Gary pushed the button for the lift. Gary turned his head to look at him, and Mark saw the pained look in his eyes. He turned back to the lift as the doors opened, and Mark followed him inside. 

  "I'm sorry." Mark said to him. Gary frowned at him as he stood against the wall opposite him. 

  "For what? Sleeping with Robbie, after sleeping with me...for making me believe we had something...for making me fall for you?" Mark's heart started beating heavier. "Which one of those are you sorry for Mark?" 

  "I guess...all of them. I never meant to hurt you; I really like you...I more than like you Gary. Rob was just..." Gary raised his eyebrows. 

  "What? A fuck, a simple little shag? What was I then, just another one? You really are something else Mark, I can't believe you." He moved closer, and Mark backed up against the wall, feeling the space between them both getting smaller and smaller. 

  "It wasn't like that, we were just talking and one thing led to another. I never meant for it to get that far, and we never even had sex. I felt bad because he said he really liked me, I couldn't tell him about us because we agreed we would keep it quiet. Please, I don't want us to fall out." Mark tried, but failed. Gary shook his head. 

  "You did this to us Mark, you ruined it...everything. And to think, I was actually falling in love with you..." Mark saw as tears filled his eyes, and felt tears sting his own. Gary pulled away harshly as the doors opened, they took one last look at each other...then he walked away. Mark felt as if his heart was being ripped out, and stamped upon. Robbie never really meant anything to him; he was just a friend who he had felt bad for. Gary was the one he wanted, the one he had always wanted, the one he had now lost forever. 

  "Gary please..."He shouted after him, his voice breaking. "I love you." He whispered the last sentence, as he slid down the wall to the floor. Holding his head in his hands, he let the tears flow. If only Robbie had locked the door. 

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