Never Let Me Go

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Take That in the 90's. Gary falls in love with the band's PA.


This is a one-shot from a story I'm halfway through writing. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think. Comments and Kudos welcome and appreciated!

     Gary decided to leave it a few days before talking to Ella again, so a few days later on the Friday afternoon, after him and the boys had finished filming the next music video, he decided he would properly sit down with Ella and talk to her. Luckily the boys had told him they would go out, to give them some space to talk on their own. When Gary entered the apartment it was quiet, eerily quiet he thought. He looked at his watch, noting the time was only seven, so Ella couldn't be asleep yet. He padded upstairs and made his way to Ella's room, knocked softly on the door and then opened it. When he poked his head round the door, he could see Ella was in fact awake, lying on her bed watching TV.

"Can I come in?" Gary asked her, getting straight to the point.

"I don't want to fight anymore Gary..."

"And neither do I, I just want to talk." He interrupted Ella, desperate to get his point across. He was relieved when Ella nodded, he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. Ella sat up, leaning against her headboard as Gary sat on the end of the bed. Gary sighed and rubbed his hands together, giving himself time to think of what to say. He was desperate for Ella to understand, he felt like this was his last chance with her and he wouldn't get another one to try to be with her again. Both of them were exhausted with it all, this was it, if they didn't get together now it would be a miracle if they ever did.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for the other day, I didn't mean to call you stupid it just came out. But it just seems that every time I try to make an effort with you, you just throw it back at me. I've been trying really hard because I really want to be with you Ella. But I just don't know if I can keep doing this anymore." Ella huffed in annoyance, she was almost fuming at what he was saying. She didn't know what it was that was making her get so annoyed with him and the things he said. Maybe it was the hormones, though she hated using that as an excuse, but she just couldn't help getting frustrated with him.

"So what happened to you proving to me that you're worth being with, I thought you said you were going to work hard at being with me. But you're already giving up." Gary frowned at her, now he was getting frustrated with what she was saying. They both could see this was quickly going from a friendly chat, to being an anger fuelled argument again. Neither wanted that to happen.

"Hang on, I have continuously worked hard at proving to you that I'm worth it, but you keep pushing me away. I ask you about spending time with me, but you say no. I make you breakfast and dinner sometimes, I give you tokens to show I care, I even looked after you when you were sick and took care of you. But nothing I do works, I've become exhausted with doing all these things for you and you just don't seem to give a shit." Ella's mouth fell open, why was Gary being like this. She was the one who felt exhausted with everything going on, she was pregnant for god's sake. She couldn't help feeling like he was being selfish.

"I do give a shit, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I told you I needed time." Ella didn't know why he couldn't comprehend that, why wasn't it getting through to him.

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