Fall Down At Your Feet

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"Ok red or white?" Jess looks up to see Gary stroll intothe living room holding a bottle in each of his hands.

"Not for me, I'll have a cider... or a vodka lemonade ifyou've got any." Gary shakes his head in mock disgust at Jess, hecouldn't fathom out why or how his friend didn't like wine.

"I've been trying now for years, will you just taste somewine. You'll enjoy it." Jess shook her head and giggled.

"Gary I don't, I've had some before and I don't fancy thetaste. I'll take the vodka please."

"Yeah me too Gaz." Howard spoke up from where he was satstaring at his phone.

"Animals..." Gary sauntered back out muttering to himselfas Mark strolled into the room.

"Ok I've got... Mission Impossible, The Bourne Identity, thenew James Bond, Pitch Perfect 2 and The Purge. What'll be?" Howard blinked up at his friend, Jess could see his thoughtprocessing behind his eyes.

"Pitch Perfect 2?" Howard teased, as Mark shrugged andbegan to lay the films out on the coffee table.

"I admire their performances, they're talented. Plus Ithought it was interesting the way they make all the sounds in themusic with just their voices." Howard and Jess giggled at Mark'sexplanation for his love of the film.

"Anyway, I'm not watching this lot. They're all crappy actionfilms you guys have seen hundreds of times." Jess leaned down,sweeping away the blokes films, leaving the horror and singing filmin their own small pile. "I must say Mark, I'm a teeny bitdisappointed." Her friend shrugged, uncrossing and crossing hislegs again.

"I know, but I didn't have much time. I grabbed what waseasiest."

"I should have brought Magic Mike round and made you all watchthat." Jess sat back in the sofa, folding her arms over her chest.

"What's this?" Gary entered the room, handing everyonetheir respective drinks.

"Mark brought along these films, but I've said I'm notwatching them. I should have made you all watch Magic Mike instead."

"Why's that?" Gary began to ask before leaving the roomagain.

"Because they're films I can..." Jess paused, waiting forhim to return. He did this often, they were all used to it by now. When he did return, they were all pleased to see him carrying thebottles of alcohol and soft mixers with him. Even the bottle oforange juice for Mark. "Because they're films I can guaranteeyou've all seen loads of time, and they're films I hate. I'm votingfor the Purge." Howard mock pouted at her.

"Ah I was looking forward to watching Pitch Perfect. Fine,Purge it is." Gary popped the dvd into his player, switching thesurround sound on the TV. "I don't know why you haven't built acinema room yet Gaz, your house is plenty large enough." Howardwinked at Jess and she giggled, they both loved winding Gary up.

"Haha piss off Dougie. Will you get that for me?" Garyturned to ask Jess as the doorbell dinged, signalling the arrival oftheir takeaway.

"Yeah sure."

"Be sure to give him a good hand job as a tip Jessica." Howard chuckled at his own joke, as Jess paused at the living roomdoor.

"Then maybe you should do it How? I'm sure you've gotexcellent wrist action." The guys snorted in laughter as sheshuffled away. In all the years she'd known the guys, eight or nineroughly, she had learnt to give as good as she got with Howard. Shedidn't triumph if she couldn't keep up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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