~Where were you ?[Zerrie FanFic]~

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---Perrie's POV---  lol

It was 5 am , and the alarm rang . Oh god hell to the no . Another busy day ahead of me with the girls and Tulisa . It was 6th week of the xFactor , and the preassure was really onto us . Me , Leigh-Anne , Jade and Jesy were thrown together as a group in bootcamp and were put through to the Judges Houses where Jessie J and Tulisa put us through to the Live shows . We got amaizing comments , Gary even said that we were the best girl group to be on the X-Factor already ! Oh my gooosh ! I'm screaming oh my god .

Not only that , but '' apparently '' , there were rumours , that Zayn freaking Malik from ONE DIRECTION ! Yes I said it biatch , One direction , FANCIES ME . I bet you're jelly lol . I'm kidding . But oh my god , Like , 6 weeks ago I was definetely saying to myself oh my god imagine if we colaborated with one direction , and guess what now ? ONE OF THEM FREAKING FANCIES ME ! I don't think life could get any better . But I can't concentrate on my love life right now , I'm stepping closer and closer each week to achieving my biggest dreams , and I'm not going to let some Muslim spoil it for me , I'm sorry . Even if it was Barack Obama , I would choose this .

Anyway , I wasn't bothered to get up at all , until Jade completley shook the fuck out of me . I was ready to kill her there and then , but my laziness took over and I just rolled over instead . Until I heard Jesy screaming in my ear '' PERRIE ! ZAYN JUST CALLED OUR MANAGER '' . Wtf . I don't know if I'm happy or annoyed . I mean yeah , it is THE Zayn Malik , but I'm trying to win a Recording Contract here , leave me alone why don't you ? Yet it actually did intrest me what he wanted '' What'd he want?'' I mumbeled . '' He asked for backstage pass to meet you !'' Wtf . Now he's stalking me of somesort ? No , this isn't right . Someone help that boy . '' Uhm okay then .. what'd you say back? '' '' Sarah said she'll try as hard to get them .'' Oh em geee . Okay , if I get to Sarah fast enough she won't give him the pass . I sprung out of my cosy warm bed , and ran outside of our house to the neighbour house , where all the managment and workers stayed . '' SARAH ! '' I yelled at the tp of my lungs , sprinting into their house . Running into the kitchen I see her on the phone . '' OI! '' I poked her . She turned to me and motioned for me to shush . Being the nice girl I am , I waited politely for her to finish . 

Once she hung up , I told her how I feel about Zayn , and she just burst out laughing . '' Oh my gosh Perrie you crack me up . ''  She breathed . '' Too late thou hun , I already sended them to him .'' My face dropped even worse than it was . Alright then ...

I stumbeled back into our house , and into our rooms to find the other 3 girls getting ready for the rehearsels . Today we were going to the studio with Tulisa to decide what we're going to sing and practice it . 

-End Of The Day-

--Zayn's POV--

I sat in the bright red couch , phone in my hand , waiting for the girls to arrive back . I didn't know what to say , or what to do , to be honest this was all so stupid . I bet I freaked Perrie out , I mean come on , how creepy would it be if some guy tried to stalk you by begging your manager for v.i.p passes to meet you . I would be freaked out ... Maybe it's not too late to go back . No , no no no . If I go back now maybe I'll never get another chance . What am I saying I'm in One Direction , not trying to sound irrogant , but i can get almost anything i want in the world . So why can't I get her?

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