Chapter 6

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3rd person POV

The next day, Haerin went to school as usual.

"Why cant you just wake up earlier" Haerin whined.

"We waited for so long," Minji continued.

"Why can't you wake up later" Hyein defended. "Oh right, you take 30 minutes getting ready."

"I take 5," Haerin said nonchalantly.

"You don't even have enough clothes for a week," Hyein quarreled.

"That's why laundry exists" Haerin argued back.

"Yah! I'm going to leave both of you here" Minji yelled.

"You won't," Haerin said.

"You LOVE us," Hyein said, emphasizing the word 'love'.

Minji humphed and stomped off.

"She'll be back," Harein said.


A few minutes later, Minji went back to the other two with a pout on her face.

"You didn't even come after me," she said.

Haerin rolled her eyes while Hyein hugged the girl.

"We gotta get to class," Haerin said, looking at the time on her phone.

"Please change your screen protector," Minji said.

"Some other day," Haerin said.

"Your 'some other day' literally means never," Hyein said.

Haeirn rolled her eyes before walking off.

Haerin was never a morning person, so usually, she just goes to class to take a nap before the teacher comes in.

On her way to class, she ran into Karina.

"You're not with Min and Hyein?" Karina replied.

Karina chuckled "Welp, I gotta go too, before I get lectured again ."

"You should," Haeirn said as they parted ways.

Meanwhile, Danielle, Hanni, and Ningning saw their interaction.

Ningning is in her last year of high school, the same as Danielle. She has a crush on Karina but doesn't know how to approach her.

Danielle looks at Ningning and bursts out laughing.

"That ace," Ningning mumbled, but the other two heard it, which only made them laugh harder.

Ningning... I can't with you... anymore" Hanni said, still trying to catch her breath after laughing her soul out.

"I bet she doesn't even know you exist," Ryujin said making the girls jump.

"Yah! Stop scaring people," Hanni whined.

"I didn't even intend to-" Ryujin's words were caught off by Hanni.


"Excuse me!?!" Ryujin acted offended.

While they were arguing, Haerin was walking in their direction, heading to her classroom.

"Ryunjin, you're in a school, not your house," Haerin said, sarcasm clearly in her tone. "You better watch out before Winter comes shut you up herself."

Ryujin immediately kept quiet after what Haerin said, Winter is the only one who can stop Ryujins hyperactive body from doing stupid things.

"Care to move," Haerin said.

"Watch your-" Ryujins words were cut off again.

"RYUJIN GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THE DOORWAY" Minji yelled from afar.

"Wha-" Ryujin said and looked at the time. "HOLY FUCK"

After that they ran off, scampering to their classrooms.

When they got into their classroom, Hanni whispered to Ryujin, "Did you see how Danielle looked at Haerin."

"Yeah, that little crush she had for Hae is definitely still there," Ryujin replied.

"Hae?" Hanni asked.

"Oh yeah it's, a nickname," Ryujin replied.

Hanni hummed in response and soon after, the teacher came in.

The class went as usual, Danielle still zoning out from time to time, Thinking about the ace.

Suddenly, the door flew open.

"Danielle! We need your help at the cafeteria!" A male student yelled.

Danielle looked at the teacher for permission, running out of the classroom immediately after the teacher granted her permission.

When Danielle reached the cafeteria, she saw Choi Beomgyu, beating up another student.

"CHOI BEOMGYU!" Danielle yelled.
Beomgyu is the soccer team's captain. He likes picking on other students for fun.

Beomgyu looked up with a frown on his face.

"You just had to ruin the fun huh"
Danielle told the other student council members to bring Beomgyu to the head mistress's office before checking on the student that got beat up, only to see Haerin with a bruised jaw and cut bottom lip.

Danielle immediately helped
Haerin up, leading her to the nurse's office.

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