Chapter 9

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Ryujin POV

That was close.

I thought I was gonna get lectured.

"Hey, do you guys know what Beomgyu's class is?" I asked Danielle and Hanni as I sat down.

"Not even a thank you? Rude much" Hanni said.

"Yeah thank you, whatever. So?" I replied.

"Why do you want to know?" Danielle joked.

"Did you realize you were straight this whole time?"

"First of all, I think you know my reason and no, I am not straight, thank you very much" Ryujin responded.

"Do you have something to share with the class, Shin?" Our teacher asked.

"I was just asking what I missed, ma'am" I replied.

"Turn to page 65. We haven't gone far yet" she said.

"Thank you" I said before turning the pages.

I don't understand a thing.

I look to Hanni to see her trying to hold her laugh in.

Meanwhile Danielle was shaking her head at Hanni's antics.

I'm pretty sure Ms Soo was talking the entire time but I wasn't even listening.

I couldn't help but think about what
Hae said.

What does she mean by how do you think I survive here'?

Does it happen that often and she's so good at hiding it that even Winter didn't realize?

After school
Danielle POV

Haerin told me she'd tell me about
Beomgyu bullying her but she didn't really say where to meet up.

'Guess I'll just go to her house after I shower then' I thought to myself before getting into the car.

When I got home, I was greeted by the maids, saying that mom had gone on a business trip, again.

So I just ate dinner and went up to my room. I put my bag beside my bed and opened my closet to choose a set of clothes.

I usually hang out with Hanni at her house when my mom is away.

She doesn't really have a problem with it since she's close with Hanni's parents.

"Right. Haerin's hoodie" I mumbled to myself before pulling the hoodie out of my closet and putting it on my bed.

After that, I chose a comfortable outfit and went into the bathroom.

After I finished, I realized that she hadn't informed the driver that I was going to Hanni's house.

The driver had already left after dropping me off.

'Guess I'll have to walk to Haerin's' I thought to myself.

Not that I have a problem with it, really, but it was already 6 and walking out alone could be dangerous.

But, I really wanted to know how often Haerin gets bullied.

Beomgyu hasn't got the taste of his own medicine yet.

A month of community service wasn't even that bad, he's done worse and escaped without punishment.

I picked up Haerin's hoodie and left my room.

When I got to the bottom floor, I was greeted by one of the maids.

"Do you need anything, miss?" She asked.

"I'm just heading out" I said with a smile.

"Oh, but Mr Choi already left" she said with a slight frown.

"I'm afraid it's dangerous to walk alone during this time"
"Don't worry, it's only 10 minutes walk, I'll be fine" I said.

"Alright then, be careful" she said, opening the door for me.

"I will, thanks" I said before leaving.

I lied. It was a 30 minute walk from my house.

I sighed. What can I do now? So, I started my walk with only Haerin's hoodie with me.

A very bad defense tool indeed.

I start thinking about how I'm going to escape if I ever get kidnapped while making my way to Haerin's apartment.

Along the way, I noticed a few drunk men looking at me weirdly, they creep me out. I ignored them and quicken my footsteps, wanting to reached my destination before something bad happens.

When I reached the apartment building, I remembered the last time I came here.

How Haerin answered the door with only a sports bra and shorts on.

What if the one knocking on the door wasn't me but another person?

What would've happened then?

I snapped out of my thoughts when the elevator door opened. A family of three stepping out, offering me a smile.

I returned their gesture as I stepped into the elevator, picking the floor Haerin's apartment was on.

Now that I think about it, I never saw Haerin's parents, or any of her family.

Not even when one of our parents are supposed to receive our report cards from school.

She just took it home with her when school ended.

I stop myself from thinking further.

'Who am I to mingle with her personal life anyway' I thought to myself.

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