||Chapter Two: Portraits ||

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"Are you sure..?" You asked, nervous at the thought of Sol staring at you for the next 40 minutes. 

"Yea... Unless you want to do me first-" 

"No, no. Please, go ahead..." You interrupted. You weren't too confident in your artistic abilities, and he seemed eager. 

He nodded and looked between his notebook and you for a moment. 

"D-Do you want me to pose or something...?" 

He inspected you briefly, before leaning closer to brush a stray hair away from your face. It probably lasted a second, but it felt like years. The hands that brushed against your cheek, and the warmth that radiated from them. His scarlet eyes looking into yours so intently, and the heat rising in your cheeks. Your eyes fluttered as he backed away from you. He hummed and picked up his pencil again. You figured he had started his sketch, and you tried your best to hold still. 

 You found being still wasn't the easiest thing to do. especially when a particularly handsome man was staring back at you. You tried breathing lightly through your nose, to try and calm your beating heart. Though nothing could quell the butterflies fluttering inside you. You were sure Sol would include your pink cheeks in his drawing. 

After what felt like forever posing for Sol, class was let out. You let out a tiny sigh seeing Sol slip his sketch book back into his backpack. Relaxing your face and slumping back down into your chair. Though after a moment you did the same, gathering your things and quickly sticking them in your own bag. While you and Sol were packing up, a shorter, aqua haired boy came running towards Sol. The smaller man wrapped Sol in a tight hug around the waist. Sol's face burned red before pushing the boy off of him, making slight eye contact with you before quickly averting his gaze. The blue-haired man saw Sol's embarrassed face and smirked at him, then to you.

"Sol~" He sang, Sol only flushed more crimson.

"Is this-" The blue haired man was quickly cut off by a quick nod from Sol. The aqua man bounced on his heels, sticking out a hand for you to shake. 

You extended your hand outwards as well, intertwining with the man's. 

"I'm Hyugo!" He smiles bright, not letting go of your hand.

"I've heard so much about you!" Hyugo is shot a death glare from Sol. His smile remained bright and strong. 

You introduced yourself as well, giving a smile along with it. Not nearly as bright as hyugo's, but you tried. This whole situation was sending your head spinning. You were sure you had only met Sol today, so why would Hyugo say he's heard things about you...

You shook your head, as if to physically shake the thoughts. The action gained you a quick chuckle from Sol, and another smirk from Hyugo. Your stomach rumbled, and you where reminded of your lack of breakfast in the morning rush. 

"Me and Sol where just headed to the roof for lunch, wanna join?" Hyugo asked politely, nudging Sol with his arm.   

"I'd love to." You said with a weak smile.

||𝙊𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙, 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝?||Solivan Brugmansia||Where stories live. Discover now