A Braid of Peace, a Massage of Relief

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Remy smiled softly as he spotted Rogue, holding their little boy protectively. She was curled up in the recliner in the living room, with quiet music playing on the radio as she hummed along to it. He'd just finished cleaning up from dinner, and was treated to such a beautiful sight. Her hair was pulled back, though Remy could see she probably hadn't brushed it this morning. She also looked a little tired, and he could see the tell tale signs of her shoulders and back hurting too.

"You just going to stare, swamp rat, or are you going to join us?" Remy blinked and found Rogue smiling at him with a raised eyebrow. He only smiled as their little boy made a noise, having spotted his father and wanted Remy to hold him.

"Just enjoying the view, chère." Remy told her, pushing off the door frame and walking towards the two. Rogue rolled her eyes, though handed Gabriel over to Remy, who kissed her forehead and sat on the loveseat next to the recliner. Rogue sometimes didn't trust her control, and Remy had no problem just sitting nearby.

Gabriel settled down, a noise of contentment escaping him as his eyes started to flutter close.

"I don't know why he likes to sleep on me..." Remy smiled, brushing back the tufts of hair back before looking for the remote to pass towards Rogue so she could put on something to watch.

"It's because you run warmer than anyone else, suga'." Rogue yawned, "I don't blame him. You are very comfortable to sleep next too. Clothed or not." She winked at him, and Remy flushed lightly, readjusting his hold on Gabriel who was apparently already asleep. Fell asleep so quickly, just like his father.

"I'm going to go lay him down, anything you want to watch chère?" Remy asked. Rogue hummed, shaking her head as she moved to stretch.

"Would love a massage, if you are up for it."

"Of course, can Remy do your hair too?" Remy asked, and Rogue looked like she wanted nothing else.

"Yes please."

Remy smiled, getting up and walking through the house. The nursery was near the back of the house, with a skylight for Gabriel to see the stars for when he was older, and pale walls with the crib in one of the corners of the room, though not touching the walls. That was because they'd gotten glow in the dark stars and had placed them all over the wall, including the lower parts of the wall.

At night, Remy could sometimes hear Gabriel wake up and giggle. He'd go to check on their son and find him reaching for the glowing stars with eyes filled with joy or fascination.

He walked across the room and gently lowered Gabriel into the crib. He jumped slightly when one of the cats squeezed through the bars of the crib and curled up at the foot of the crib, purring as Remy gently pulled Gabriel's blanket over top of him, his stuffed bear being placed just beside him.

"Goodnight, petite étoile," Remy whispered, brushing his fingers through the tufts of red and white hair. "You watch him, Oliver, you hear Remy?" Remy joked, petting the cat for a moment before turning to leave the room. He paused long enough to turn a nightlight on and turned the big light off. He did have to double back to turn the baby monitor on, and had to remember to leave the door ajar.

"Gabriel wake up?" Remy hummed lightly as he entered their room. Rogue was laying on their bed, spread out on her back with a book in her hands.

"Non, non, Remy forgot to turn on the baby monitor." Remy shrugged as he moved to grab her brush, and Rogue snorted. He turned and found her moving to sit up again, stretching as she did so. "Hair and then massage?" He asked to double check with her.

"Yes please," She nodded, and Remy winked.

"You got it, chère." Remy climbed onto the bed behind her. Her hair was still pulled back into a ponytail still, so Remy was careful when pulling out the hair tie. He took the brush and ran it gently under the bush of hair that Rogue took amazing care of.

They sat in near silence as Rogue slowly started melting back against Remy while he started sectioning her hair. Braiding it usually helped for less of a mess in the morning.

"How was the team today?" Remy asked quietly, brushing out one section to make sure that there weren't any knots or snarls that had managed to hide away. It took Rogue a few moments to answer, and Remy apologized softly whenever he got caught in a knot of hair.

"Logan and Morph are taking two weeks off coming up, and Jean is pregnant." Rogue hummed, forcing her eyes open. She most definitely would not be awake by the time he started on her massage. She was exhausted, and it was showing. "Jubilee wanted me to tell you to bring Gabriel to the mansion and stay a few days." There was a teasing glint to her eyes, "She misses her big brother."

"Remy will think about it... after you take the next week off." There was a groan from Rogue, though she was smiling. He finished brushing the second section and moved to the third, humming as Rogue sighed quietly. "Almost done with your hair, chère." He assured her.

He moved to actually braiding her hair, taking a moment to rub at her scalp. There was a shudder that ran through her, and a sound of relief escaping her. He leaned forward and kissed her hair.

He moved quickly and soon enough there was a braid containing all of Rogue's hair. He wrapped his arms around her, and gently rocked them as he kissed her temple.

"You want that massage?" He asked her, voice much lower than it was normally. Rogue hummed, turning her head and nodded.

"Won't be awake much longer, suga'." Rogue told him, and Remy had sort of figured that.

"Just means that I'll have to take care of you tomorrow; long special bath, fix all your favorite foods, another massage, day in the sun." He smiled as Rogue groaned lightly, turning in his arms and hugging him. "A night to really relax you," He suggested, and Rogue pouted as she looked up at him.

"I'm too tired to listen to you planning to spoil me. And if I get pregnant again, Scott's gonna pull you back on the team." Rogue told him. Remy tilted his head.

"Worth it." Rogue snorted, letting Remy move her so that she was laying on her stomach. "Now, let Remy take away all your aches, oui?" Rogue sighed in relief as Remy's hands rubbed at her shoulders first. He'd be working for an hour, but Rogue was asleep very soon after he started.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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