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"I still can't tell if you're being real right now," Jia says the next day after school, taking a small bite of her mango-flavoured popsicle as they walk down the street that leads to the lively Chinatown.

The sky resembles a bleeding heart, wrapped around by contrails that lingered among the deep corals. It's rather warm today, through all the heat left in the summer.

Chanelle avoids Jia's knowing look. She's so done dealing with this. Jia had been asking her the same questions since the moment they got back to class after lunch yesterday.

"I already told you, things just happened between us one day and I didn't tell you about it at first because I wasn't sure of my own feelings until we both confessed."

Jia nods, but there's still doubt in her eyes. Chanelle can't blame her. And Jia sighs and says, "But why him?"

"Just... I don't know, I just... like being around him?"

Chanelle looks away and squints her eyes, her jaw clenches. She's really bad at lying. Especially to Jia.

But what is she supposed to say?

Oh, I don't actually like him, in fact we're only together because of his lazy ass so done with answering simple questions to people and I'm only doing this because it's the only way I can save myself from getting expelled from Calvert.

Like, what is she gonna say? Exactly.

Jia eyes Chanelle with suspicions in her eyes. But then her eyes softened, and grins. She swoops her arms around Chanelle's and says, "Well I hope he's nice to you, or else I'll kick his ass."

Chanelle fakes a smile and replies, "I'd gladly let you."

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞

Weekend passes by in a blur with the same old routine. Chanelle spends most of her time rotting in her room, daydreaming in the afternoons, spends her evenings at Jia's shophouse, and eats dinner alone. Her parents are away often for work, and she's used to it now.

When Monday rolls around, Chanelle prepares herself for another terrifying week. By that, it means going through endless tests in most of her classes and getting dragged to the cafeteria the next second. By you-know-who.

Chanelle is still not used to the attention she receives from the whole school, but what can she say. This is Sunghoon we're talking about.

Attention is his version of normal.

"Not being able to enjoy your food while sitting beside the most handsome guy in Calvert is a disease," Sunghoon says, taking the girl away from her thoughts. He points at her, "A disease you have."

Chanelle slowly takes a small bite of her fruit sando. "See? I'm eating."

The guy shrugs. "Just so you know, there's still a lot to discuss about us. Consistency is a key to a believable lie."

"Like what?"

Sunghoon takes another bite of his tiramisu and shifts in his seat. The second he opens his mouth, he doesn't stop asking questions.

"Are we going to school together? What about dates here and there? Are you even going to talk to me in gym class? Would it be okay if I bring you along with me everywhere and introduce you to my friends? If someone asks you if I have abs or not, will you say yes? What if they ask you if I'm a good kisser? What would you say?"

It's a lot of questions. And Chanelle wants nothing but to puke at each of these questions. She studies him for a few moments to see if he's going to laugh and be like hehe, just kidding!, but he doesn't.

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