Part 10

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Days passed since their fight, each day filled with reflection and realization for Richard. He missed Lily, he missed her laughter, her wisdom, her presence in his life.

He realized how deeply he cared for her, how much he loved her. But he also realized how unfairly he had treated her, trying to relive his past through her.

With newfound clarity, Richard decided to visit Lily. He wanted to apologize, to confess his feelings, and to assure her that he saw her for who she was, not as a replacement for Amelia.

He stood in front of Lily's house, his heart pounding in his chest. He knocked on the door, and Lily opened it, surprise evident on her face.

"Richard," she said, her voice cautious.

"Lily," Richard began, his voice filled with sincerity,

"I owe you an apology. I've been unfair to you. I've been living in the past, trying to relive my moments with Amelia through you. But I realize now how wrong I was. You are not Amelia, you are Lily. You're kind, you're wise, you're incredible in your own right. And I... I love you, Lily."

Lily looked at Richard, a mix of emotions playing on her face.

"Richard," she said, her voice soft, "I appreciate your honesty. And I care for you too. But... we need to stop everything.."

"W-what?" Theres a confusion on his face and voice.

"Yes. I realized that.. I am not meant for you. And.. your not really over with your wife." She felt her tears was urging to fall. But she held her ground.

"I-i don't understand Lily."

"I am not Amelia," she said, her voice hard, her eyes blazing with a mix of frustration and hurt. She stared directly into Richard's eyes, her gaze unwavering.

"I'm tired of everything, Richard," she continued, her voice breaking. "I'm tired of listening to your stories about Amelia, I'm tired of you calling me Amelia, I'm tired of every conversation we have revolving around her! I'm tired of waiting for you!"

Her words hung in the air, a painful truth that they both had to confront. Tears welled up in Lily's and Richard's eyes. Lily broke down, sinking onto the couch, her body wracked with sobs.

Richard stood there, taken aback by Lily's outburst. He felt a pang of guilt, realizing the extent of the pain he had caused her. He had been so caught up in his own grief, his own struggles, that he hadn't seen how much he was hurting Lily.

Lily," he said, his voice choked with emotion, "I'm... I'm so sorry." He moved to hug her, but she stepped back, her eyes filled with tears and frustration.

"Amelia, Amelia, Amelia!" she cried out, her voice echoing in the room. She met his gaze squarely, her eyes blazing with hurt and anger. "Amelia is dead, Richard! I'm tired of getting hurt by the ghost of Amelia. Why can't you see me? Why is it always her? Why?!"

Her words struck Richard like a blow. He stood there, frozen, as Lily broke down in tears. The pain in her voice, the hurt in her eyes - it was a wake-up call for Richard.

He had been so caught up in his grief, so lost in his memories of Amelia, that he had failed to see the living, breathing person in front of him.

"Lily," he whispered, his voice filled with regret. "I... I didn't realize. I didn't see how much I was hurting you. I... I need to do better. I need to see you for who you are, not as a replacement for Amelia."

"Please... Richard.. Leave. I need you to leave.." Lily managed to say through her tears.

Her words were like a dagger to Richard's heart, but he knew she was right. She needed space, and he had to respect that.

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