Downfall is Near

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Cahaya annoyingly shifts himself to different positions while lying on the clinic bed.

Unfortunately for him, Tanah had to go back to Teacher Papa's class. Only Cahaya was excused out, Tanah just escorted him to the clinic.

He groans, "Ugh...This is so annoying. What if I miss some homework details if Teacher Papa happens to give any."

. . .

He stared at the blank, white ceiling, "The only good thing about this place is having a peaceful environment."

He's right. Sometimes he actually does prefer to be alone in a room—but it does get lonely.

He sighs loudly and couldn't help but shift to another position again. He's bored right now.

Perhaps if he stays too long in here, he might end up going insane. Fortunately, he doesn't feel like thinking about what happened earlier in class.

He checks the clock on top of the clinic's door.

Oh, would you look at that. Their class is going to end soon. it's currently 11:10am...

. . .

He heard footsteps outside the clinic's door. Followed up by a familiar voice. Who is that?

"Thank you, Nurse [REDACTED]." a voice echoed from the outside.

He looks at the door as it slowly opens. The figure slowly shows up from the door and it turns out to be the spiky head guy with glasses.

If it isn't obvious yet it's Fang, "Fang? What are you doing here? And you got out of class 5 minutes early?"

Fang chuckled, "Ha! That's because I answered Teacher Papa's riddle and I get to leave early." he puffed his chest out.

Cahaya eyerolls, "Let me guess... out of 10 riddles you managed to answer 1?"

Fang gulped and had a shocked expression, "What the- how did you?! Okay."

Fang sighs, "Anyways, I had nothing else to do. Our lunch break is an hour anyway. I decided to visit you instead." he said as he slowly approaches Cahaya.

"Hm." Cahaya positioned himself sitting, "I can leave the clinic once our class is over, I don't need 'visitors.'"

"I'm just doing this as a friend, Mr. Smarty Pants."

Cahaya grabbed his cap and glasses from the table beside his bed, "Thanks anyway."

Fang smiled softly and gives him a hand to stand up. Lunch break's about to start.

"I can stand by myself." Cahaya said while looking at him weirdly, "You accepted my hand idiot."

Cahaya glared at him for the name call. It made Fang chuckle as much as to his annoyance.

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