Chapter 4

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Travis' POV

   Once our lips meet for the first time I'm pretty sure I've gone feral. Her soft lips against mine, and the feel of her legs wrapped around me has all but left me with the inability to think. Maybe it's because all of my blood has gone straight to my crotch because I'm already painful hard, I let out an involuntary groan into her mouth. Pressing further into the wall, all I want to do fuck her right here and now and make her mine.

     We part for a second to catch our breath. I start kissing and gently bitting my way down her neck " beautiful..babygirl" I mange to get out between kisses, my voice coming out in a low growl. I hear her let a breathy little whine, and I realize I have force my myself pull away a little or I was going to get carried away. She leans back in to kiss me again, but shake my head. "nuh uh baby girl, if we keep this up I'm going to end up fucking you right here against the wall." "I wouldn't mind" she says pouting. "Oh baby, there is no way that I'm going let the first time I get to have you be here in my entryway. You deserve so much more then that, a goddess like you deserve to be treated like one. Now what going to happen is I'm going take you to my room and worship every inch of that beautiful body of yours, then  I'm going to fuck you so thoroughly that it will completely ruin you for anyone else ever again. Got that princess?" I tell her.

   "Hold on tight princess" I tell her as I carry her off to my room, and gently lay her on the bed. She sits up looking at me with those bright blue eyes. I bring myself down to the bed, kissing her slowly. As the kiss starts to become more heated I break away for a breath and lean by her ear, my voice barely above a whisper "Now baby doll as gorgeous as you look right now, I think we should get you out of some of those clothes." She stands up a devious little smile crosses her face, then looks at me innocently through her lashes. "Okay daddy." God this woman is going to be the death of me.

   She slowly starts to remove her corset, tossing it to one side, then unzips her leather skirt letting it fall to floor casually stepping out of it. At this point I'm pretty sure my brain is about to Short circuit as I look to see her standing there and nothing but a see-through red lace bra, matching lace panties, a garter belt with thigh high stockings and a pair of red stilettos. I couldn't stop the growl from leaving my throat even if I tried. "Come here baby girl" I beckon her over. She nods her head and goes to take off the heels "leave them on, sit on the edge of the bed" she makes her way over doing her she's told. "Good girl, now open your legs for me" I hear her let out a little bit whimper but does exactly what's ask of her. I position myself between her thighs, not breaking eye contact and dropped to my knees.

Taylor's POV

I feel the heat rush to my groin as I watch Travis drop to his knees, knowing my panties are probably completely soaked by now. He smiles up at and say "lay back princess" "yes daddy" I say obliging to his request.  Then I feel him star to kiss up my upper thigh working his way to my core, but skips it completely and repeats the same with the other thigh. I can already feel my legs begin to tremble in anticipation "wh-what are you doing?" I ask my voice shaking . "Worshiping you just like I promised you I would." His voice comes out lower than normal, he looks up at me his eyes darken to the point that they're almost black. I can feel myself slicker with arousal as he places a kiss on me through my panties, i can't stop the little whimpers coming out of my mouth. Then he winks at me undoing my garter and slowly pulls my panties off tossing the behind him. Suddenly his head was back between my thighs kissing them all over, until I feel his mouth on my slick folds. I let out a squeal as he flicks his tongue over my clitoris, then begins to suck on it gentily letting his tounge circle and flick at it. Suddenly I feel his hand between a tighs and a large finger gently pressing against my entrance. He look he looks up at me with a questioning look "this is okay?" I nod my head . He slips a thick finger in me I can't help but moan loudly, and follows it with another. Thrusting them in and out of me until he finds the soft spot he was looking for, his tongue still working my clit. It isn't long before I feel pressure start to build and and heat start to pool in my stomach. "Oh god Travis, I'm soo close.." I can feel him chuckle against me, then quickens his pace with his fingers curling them slightly pressing into my soft spot while his tongue flicks over my clit once more and that's all it takes. My hips start to buck involuntary. moaning his name loudly I see light exploding behind my eyes, as my muscles tighten around his fingers while he is still fucking them in and out of me to ride out my orgasm.

  When I finally come down I just lay there a painting mess as he makes his way up towards me "So how was that princess?" "Unbelievable.. spectacular..I don't know... all of the words" I say barley able to form a sentence. He laughs "hmm.. I thought that words were your thing baby" "not when I've just had the most mind-blowing orgasm of my entire life." He lets out a deep rumbling laugh. "oh it was that good huh?" He questions raising an eyebrow. "Yes it absolutely was." I pause before confessing "no one has ever done that for me before" I say quietly my voice barely whisper "what? no one has ever made you cum?" He questions "No, no one has ever eaten me out" a look of realization crosses his face "well Tay baby they are clearly fucking idiots and have no idea what they are missing, because you taste amazing" I can't help but blush and let out a little giggle. Travis chuckles and pulls me too him. "Now come here baby girl I'm not even close to finished with you yet"

   I can feel his erection pressing against me through the material of his jeans. All I know is I need them off of him and now. "You have to much clothes on still, it's unfair" he smiles "well then all you had to do was ask princess." Then pulls off his t shit and unbuttons his jeans pulling them down kicking them to aside. Leaving him stand there in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. I can see the impressively large outline of his erection. I can already tell it is much much larger than what I'm use to, possiblity the biggest I've ever seen.

   He pulls his boxers off, his full length finally exposed completely hard the tip already dripping pre-cum. I can't help but let out a slight gasp as I take in his size, wondering how that he was ever going fit inside me. Noticing me staring he smirks at me. "See something you like princess?" I nod my head slightly frantically "yes..I just" pausing for a beat "I-I've never been with anyone this big before." I confess. Grinning he pulls me in for a kiss, then whispers in my ear "don't worry baby, I'll go slow. Just let me know if anything hurts okay? cause I would never want to do anything to hurt you beautiful" "I know you wouldn't, I promise I'll tell you if it hurts" I tell him.

    He continues to kiss and bite his way down my neck until he reaches my chest. He casually reaches around unhooking my bra with one hand, pulls it off he tosses across the room it across the room. Then takes one of my nipples into his mouth sucking and gently biting on it. I let out a soft moan, as he continues repeating his actions on my other breast while positioning himself between my legs. Grabbing a bottle of lube from stand next to him he's spreads it over his cock, lining himself up with my waiting dripping pussy and slowly pushes himself inside. I gasp at the sensation of him penetrating me, feeling the slight burn from it stretching my tight hole. "Are you okay baby?" He questions looking down at me "yes, keep going please" he nods and continues to push his way into me groaning loudly as he is finally fully seated. Pausing for a few moments for me to used to the sensation.

   I've never felt this full in my whole life and even though I can still feel the slight burn, it's in the best way possible. I didn't know it could feel like this and he hasn't even moved yet. "m-move please" I manage to pant out. He obliges right away pulling out and thrusting back into me over and over again. He moves a little shifting position and hitting my soft spot making let out a loud moan and clutch the blankets tightly. "H-harder, Please daddy" I say making eye contact with him. He groan and trusting into me harder "Fuck princess you feel so tight..fuck" he moans loudly.

   I'm a panting mess at this point unable to anything but gasp and moan as he fucks into me, then he reaches between us and slowly starts rubbing my clit. Tingles shoot up my spine and I feel the heat start to pool in the pit of my stomach again "I- I'm gonna.. i- i need to...oh god" is all I can get out before I feel my muscles contract around his hard cock and sceam his name cumming so hard I think I may blackout. With that I can feel his thrusts start to falter a little "oh baby I'm gonna cum, fill you up so good- make you one else can have you princess...all mine" he grunts out as I feel him still and shoot his hot cum deep inside me. He leans down for one more kiss before pulling out, then lays beside pulling me into his arms. Still tingling and slightly panting I cuddle into him. "that was amazing, I didn't know sex could be that incredible." I state snuggling further into his chest, never wanting to leave this moment. He smiles down at me "you're amazing baby" pulling me in tighter and kissing my head "I meant what I said though princess, you're mine now, I'm not giving you up" he says to me "yours" I agree feeling my eyelids grow heavy. I hear Travis chuckle then says "okay princess nap first I guess, then food." I nod letting out a happy little sigh and drift off to sleep more content then I've ever felt.

A/N: I finally managed to finish this chapter yay! I'm sorry it took so long, the end of June is always crazy for me with 4 birthdays in row in my family (including mine) so hopefully I'll have another chapter soon. But if not once July comes hopefully things will slow down a little and I post a bit more regularly!

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