Chapter One

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Tyler's POV

"Move!" A security guard barked at me as he started herding my friends and I towards to gateway, away from the cheering crowds milling at the foot of the stage, cameras flashing.

"Oh my goodness!" Zoe squealed gripping my arm as she glared at the bulky man that'd just shoved her. "What is wrong with you people!" I exclaimed wrapping my arms around her small form shielding her from the swarm of people that pooled around us. "Come on, let's get out of here."

Playlist Live just got crazier by the day, and as the festivities rose to the peak the securities changed from being polite and collected to rude and harsh. It was almost like we were animals causing distress instead of guests that they invited.

"Zoe! Oh my god I was so worried are you okay? Tyler? What happened back there?" Alfie exclaimed hugging Zoe as we made our way towards the tour buses that would take us back to the hotel. "The usual," I muttered angrily. "It's becoming ridiculous, I can't believe they shoved Zoe!" I fumed feeling anger bubbling in my stomach. How dare they!

"What!" Alfie roared his eyes flashing as he spun around holding Zoe protectively to his side never once letting her go. "Are you okay little one?"

"I'm fine Alfie, let's just go meet up with the others and get out of here."

Rushing towards to tour buses we piled in with Connor and Korey, worn out from all the crazy events that happened today, wanting nothing more than to just get out of here and back to the safety and comfort of our hotel rooms.

"Let's go back and freshen up before meeting up for dinner?" Connor asked sounding weary as he fiddled with his phone checking his messages on Twitter.

"Yeah, we'll come." Alfie agreed nodding his head as a tired Zoe curled into his side rubbing her eyes. "Ty? Korey? You guys coming?"

"Sure," I muttered feeling like I could sleep for a million years. I really did enjoy meeting up with fans and doing panels but sometimes things just got a little psychotic. It's almost like they forget that we're humans too. Korey said something but I didn't hear, only focusing on the simple task of stringing in my earbuds as I slowly started nodding off to the sounds of One Direction's Midnight Memories playing in the background.


We'd met up with Marcus, Niomi, Jim, Tanya, Joe and Caspar before making our way to the small Italian restaurant down the block not bothering to go too far from the hotel.

"Hello!" I chirpy waitress greeted us faking enthusiasm as we walked in.

"We need a table for eleven please." Korey said mustering up a small smile.

"Okay, follow me please."

The dinner was relatively empty apart from a few couples here and there as we made our way towards the back of the restaurant. Heads down and arms limp with fatigue, nodding off here and there. I wouldn't be surprised if we all ended up crashing here, maybe coming out for diner wasn't such a good idea after all. Suddenly roomservice sounded so much more appealing, but since we'd already made it here there was really no point in turning around and going back with an empty stomach.

Suddenly the small chatter at the table faded into silence as a hush fell over the restaurant as a sleek black limo pulled onto the side of the road. A woman who sleek blonde hair hopped out of the car followed slowly by tall, slim figure clad in black. The man by her side this head bowed like he was deep in thought as the woman chatted enthusiastically by his side; making wild hand gestures as she spoke.

As they slowly made their way to the front door our perky waitress bolted to the entrance frantically smoothing her shirt and hair.

"Who's that?" I muttered to Connor who sat on my right, his green eyes wide like owls.

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