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The smell of wine and perfume wafted in the chatter-filled air. The click of heels on the white tiled floor, and beautiful men and women were everywhere. Rhodey, told old stories that every person around laughed at.

The chatter seemed to die down at the slightest when a new person walked in. Her vibrant green and blue hair gave her away. The red dress she wore complemented her body and hair, along with the silver heels she wore.

She strode confidently past the gaping men and envious women right to the bar. The bartender's eyes lingered where they shouldn't have and Electra cleared her throat, with her eyebrow raised and hand on her hip.

The bartender muttered a "Sorry," and then asked what she wanted to drink.

"Dry red wine please," The way Electra's voice carried made her seem snooty or rude, maybe she is, maybe people just piss her off.

Electra's head whipped around at the arm around her waist. The arm was attached to a tall man, with blonde hair in a bun, and a sharp suit. "Hi," He put on a smirk that Electra assumed was supposed to be seductive.

"Hi," She decided to play along with his game. She leaned in really close to his ear "If, you don't get your arm off me right now, I will snap it off and shove it somewhere it's not supposed to be." She smiled sweetly at him and winked for added affect.

He took his arm off the smirking girl so fast it looked as if she had burned him. She did, but not literally.

When she felt someones presence next to her, she was ready to actually hurt someone. She slowly turned, trying to keep her scary demeanor.

"What did you say for him to run like that?" Natasha laughed, with a slight twinkle in her eyes.

Electra's shoulders visibly relaxed, and she chuckled at the red head. "Nothing that bad."

Natasha raised an eyebrow and looked towards the bartender, ordering a long island iced tea. "So, Electra, where did you go after you left?"

Taking a sip of the strong wine, she sighed. "All over, really. I didn't belong anywhere, so I traveled. I couldn't go home, or back to... yah know." She tapped her fingers on the wine glass, little sparks igniting as she lifted her fingers.

"I thought you had died, guess not." Natasha let out a dry laugh. "They promoted me after I was the only one left. I made a name for myself. I became the Black Widow."

"I know," Electra bit her lip. "I still worked, just not as... harshly as I used too,"

Natasha nodded as if it wasn't that big of a surprise. It's near impossible to just quit. The job latches onto you, like a leech... "How-how did you end up with Stark?" Electra made her distaste for Tony very clear, with the way his name slid off her tongue like acid.

A chuckle escaped Natasha's lips at the clear disgust on her face. "It's a long story.."

Hours of Natasha and Electra talking passed and now only few people were still in Stark Tower. Electra had long since taken her heels off, and she sat on the couch along with the members of the Avengers.

"Only those who are worthy may lift the hammer." Those words caught the attention of everyone. Thor had been confident that no one could lift the hammer.

Clint walked over, an over confident smirk on his face, and put his hands around the hammer. He gave it a tug. And another. And another. "Boo!" Natasha joked with the defeated man.

"If you're so happy about me not lifting it,
why don't you try?" The older man shot back, a hand on his hip in a sassy way.

"Oh no no no," Natasha shook her head, while talking a sip of her drink. " I don't need a space hammer to tell me if I'm worthy."

Thor chuckled at their bickering as Tony stood up. " So, if I lift this, I get to rule Asgard?"

Thor nodded at Tony, even though it was obvious he would not be able to lift it. "And more," Thor taunted the unknowing Tony.

Electra smirked in amusement at Tony, even though she disliked him. He must have tried everything. He even had Rhody try to lift it with him... and they both used the boosters on their suits.

Then a chuckled somehow escaped Electra's lips. Tony looked up at her an agitated look on his face. "Fine, Sparky, you lift it."

"Hmm," Electra hummed in an amused way. Then she looked towards Thor, "It summons lightning, correct?"

"Indeed Lady..." Thor trailed off, unsure of her name.

"Electra, and I think I'm good." She held up her hand, Electricity weaving through her fingers then disappearing into the air. Thor chuckled and nodded. "Besides, I don't think I'm worthy-"

"How could any of you be worthy, when you are all killers?" A voice sounded behind them. They all turned around.

There was a broken down robot. One of Stark's bots, everyone guessed. "Power down," Stark's voice called to the robot.

"I-I was in a dark place, covered in strings..." The robots choice of words set everyone on edge, and Thor's hammer flew into his hands.

Electra opened her hand, and a electric whip materialized and Natasha's hand found her thigh, where a gun was hidden. "But now I am free, and there are no strings on me."

"Ultron..." Banner's voice wavered as he took a slight step back.

"In the flesh, not yet, though." His electronic voice made the hairs on Electra's neck stand on edge.

"Who?.." Steve's voice was strong and firm as he turned towards the two scientists.

Everything seemed pretty blurred as more robots burst though windows attacking the remaining guests.

Steve protected the guests while Natasha took down the bots. Electra ran straight towards Ultron. Her whip crackled as she cut right through him. Before she could even breathe, another Ultron was behind her.

"Oh, Adriana. Or is it Electra now?" Electra stopped attacking him for a moment, as she stared hard at him. "Oh, don't be surprised, I know all about you. I obviously don't have a lot of time, so-" before he could continue Electra ripped his internal wiring out.

Another bot appeared in front of her, "Okay, that was rude." Ultron's metal body creaked. "As I was saying, I would like you to join-" Once again he was brought down, but this time by Steve's shield flying around. Electra sent a nod his way.

"Will you stop that!" Ultron was running out of robots to take over. "Will you join me in rebuilding peace in this world?"

"No, you soggy lampshade." With a final flick, all the robots dropped to the ground. Tony looked towards Electra and lifted his hands up.

"Why didn't you do that in the beginning!?" His voice screeched. She simply shrugged, wondering how on Earth he could bring world peace.

In Slovokia, Ultron had just recruited two unknowing twins. The only thing that had been running through their young minds is revenge, and hatred... maybe even a little crush..?

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