Cedric Diggory

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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:


»[Just the two of Us] «
• Bill Withers •

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The grand ballroom of Hogwarts buzzed with a delightful chaos. Laughter intermingled with the lilting strains of a string quartet, students flitting from one conversation to another, goblets of punch clinking. Y/N, dressed in a flowing cerulean gown, felt a pleasant warmth radiate through her as she navigated the crowded space. It wasn't the warmth of the roaring fire crackling in the hearth, but rather a warmth that emanated from within, a sense of pure joy and contentment.

Tonight was the Yule Ball, a night for merriment and revelry, a chance to forget the looming threat of the Triwizard Tournament and simply enjoy the company of friends and the magic of the season. And as she scanned the room, her eyes landed on Cedric Diggory, his dark hair and bright eyes shining under the glittering chandeliers.
He stood near the entrance, a smile gracing his lips as he chatted with his friends. He looked handsome, radiating an easy confidence that drew her like a moth to a flame.

Suddenly, the orchestra struck up a familiar melody, a soft, romantic tune that sent a shiver down her spine. It was 'Just the Two of Us,' a song she'd often hummed to herself, imagining a slow, graceful waltz with someone special.

Cedric, sensing her gaze, turned and met her eyes. He offered her a shy smile, a subtle invitation, and her heart skipped a beat. Before she could voice her hesitation, he bowed slightly, his hand outstretched towards her.

"May I have this dance, Y/N?" he asked, his voice a gentle murmur that sent shivers down her spine.

Her heart fluttered, mirroring the rhythm of the song playing. "I'd love to," she breathed, placing her hand in his.

As he led her onto the dance floor, the music swelled around them, filling the air with a sense of intimacy.

The music swelled, transporting them to a world where it was just them, the lights of the ballroom fading into a soft, warm blur. They were lost in the moment, their steps turning into a silent conversation, their hearts beating in unison with the rhythm.

Cedric's hand rested lightly on her waist, his touch warm and reassuring. He led her with a practiced grace, his steps measured and precise, guiding her through the intricate dance. As they moved, his gaze met hers, his eyes holding a depth that surprised her.

As the tempo slowed, they moved closer, their bodies swaying against each other. Cedric tilted his head, his cheek brushing against hers as he whispered,"You look beautiful," his voice barely audible above the music.

Y/N's cheeks flushed crimson, and she managed a shy smile. "Thank you," she breathed, feeling a nervous flutter in her chest.

He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear. "I could dance with you all night," he murmured.

Y/N's breath hitched. For a moment, the world around them faded completely, leaving only the warmth of his presence and the beat of their hearts. It felt like a dream, a sweet, impossible dream, and she clung to it, afraid to let go.

The music flowed around them, each note a brushstroke painting a picture of their shared moment. They moved as one, their bodies swaying in perfect harmony, their eyes locked in a silent conversation.

The words of the song seemed to echo their unspoken thoughts. 'We can build a world, just the two of us. We can make it right, just the two of us.'

They danced on, lost in their own little world, oblivious to the other couples around them. The ballroom shimmered around them, a blur of colors and lights, but all that mattered was the warmth of Cedric's hand on her waist, the feeling of his body close to hers, and the melody that whispered a promise of something beautiful.

As the music faded, the spell was broken. They separated, a little breathless, a little shy, but both aware of the unspoken connection that had bloomed between them in those few precious minutes. Cedric's hand, still resting on her back, tightened slightly, as if he didn't want to let go either.

His eyes met hers, a silent question hanging in the air between them. Y/N, unable to resist the pull, leaned in, closing the distance between them. Their lips met in a kiss, soft and tentative at first, then deepening as if they'd been waiting for this moment forever.

The world around them seemed to hold its breath, and in that moment, bathed in the soft light of the ballroom, they were alone. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken feelings, of hope and dreams, a kiss that felt like the beginning of something beautiful.

The night was young, and as the music changed, so did the atmosphere of the ballroom. But as Y/N watched Cedric disappear back into the crowd, a thought lingered in her mind, a faint whisper of hope: maybe, just maybe, there was more to this night than just dancing. Maybe there was something more to them than just a waltz under the stars.

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