1. Hello Sunmer Holiday

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Last day of school. Mathematics lesson. "So, Amy, tell me what x is" said the Mrs Cotwell waiting for my answer, "Amy!!" I raised my head up because of the shout. I wasn't paying any at attention to the class. Why? Because is the last lesson till summer holiday. I was sitting at my table dreaming about how fun the holiday will be.

I got saved by the bell "thanks god!" I said praying. I went to my lockers to wait for my best friend, Alice.

While taking my PE kit out of the locker so I could take it to wash I could hear a phyco girl screaming from far "Agh, school is finished" oh no, it was just my best friend that was shouting and running forwards me to give me a big hug. This girl...

Just after a minute my crush came passing by. "Omg, he's so hot" I said staring at him and trying not to be obvious. "Your gonna miss him" whispered Alice to me. I made a approval face because I knew I'm gonna miss him, him and all of them, the most I'm gonna miss Alice.

We began walking slowly waving hands at everyone telling them "Happy Holiday" is just a tradition that every time we have holiday I need to great everyone and act like a mental (I don't do that so often).

"Bye, bye, school" I said talking to the school (not weird) acting like I was Neil Armstrong when he first stepped on the moon, but I wasn't stepping on the moon, I was stepping out of the school property for the last time until after the holiday.

While walking and chating toward out bus station a blond boy with blue eyes I realized  was behind me. Who could it be? My crush obviously. The most popular (actually the second popular) boy in my year that doesn't even know I exist.

I turned to him my heart beating so fast as I was scared to say a word to him. I made some courage and said  "Have a wonderful summer holiday, Jason" I mumbled while trying really hard not to blush because I don't really talk to him, actually I do to talk to him at all. I guess this is the second time I ever talked to him.

He smiled "Thanks, you too, Ely" he greeted me back while passing me with a high speed.

I just realized what he said. He just called me Ely? I waited like two seconds for him to pass us then I made a pissed off face to my friend "Did he just called me Ely? He doesn't even know my name proper. You serios? Ely?". She didn't say nothing she just started laughing like a fool and then I joined too. Like I said, invisible. I ignored that and continued my journey.


When I was home, I knocked at the door impatienly waiting for my mum to open. When she opened I jumped inside and a saw that all the hall was full of bagging, bags and other stuff, "Hi, darling, all of the bagging is done, we are ready for the trip". I excitedly shouted "Hello Summer Holliday!"and ran upstairs to my room.

My little sister was very busy checking on the list if she has everything:
Doll (ticked)
Colouring pens (ticked)
Teddy Bear (ticked)
-and other lots of stuff I wasn't bothered to read from the paper. Next to her she had a full bag of toys and colouring things. "You don't need that much, Alexandra." I told her then she gave me a dirty look and shouted at me to get out of her room. I didn't say nothing I just stepped out of her privacy and went into my room thinking how can a 7 years old kid be that rude.

After I took and shower and changed in my home clothes I went down stairs smelling something delicious. Pasta! My favoutites with chicken and mushrooms with a tasty tomato, a bit spicy sauce.

Eating my food and chatting with my mum about school I lost track of time. I was so in a good mood that I even insisted on doing the dishes today. So after I finished cleaning up I went in my room, closed the door and put the headphones on.

My mum came in mumbling something and I had to take my headphones off to hear her.

"Huh?" I asked looking at her and giving het the why-did-you-disturb-me-from-my-music look.

"You sure you have everything?" she asked looking in my walldrope to see if there are not any clothes left that would be useful for the trip. The walldrope was empty, all was left was the ugly uniform that I will not need for next year as I will go to college. I can't wait for college, is gonna be so new and different full of big people...

"Yeah" I told her so she just would go away and let me listen to my music in peace. Yes, I do love her, but I don't like anyone disturbing me from my music. She nodded, I gave her a approving smile and then she went out of my room.

Passing one hour I finally decided to start to do some homework so I got more time to spend with my friends and grandparents. I didn't have much to do anyway, I could just finish all of it today and after be free for the rest of the whole summer holiday.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow, the day for our trip. I put my pyjama on and jumped in the double bed watching my soap opera at the TV.

After a time I closed my eyes still thinking of tomorrow. I waited for this trip so long I missed my grandparents and friends a lot.

Tomorrow... Tomorrow... Tomorrow...


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