6. Coming over

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I woke up with a smile on my face thinking of Jason. I looked at the clock it was 9:24. Then my phone rang.

"Morning!" it was a familiar voice.

"Huh? Who's th.., ahh, Jason! Hi" I realised who was on the phone.

"Remember the promise?" he remembered me.

"Yhh, of corse I do" I was talking weird because I was half awake. I rubbed my eyes with one of my hand and woke up to reality.

"So.. Would you wanna come over so I can teach you football" he asked

"I'm sorry I can't, I promised my friends that I'm going to spend time with them today." I respond

"Ohh, ok then" his voice seemed upset.

"Hey, why don't you come over, I've got a nice park right here." I suggested.

"Yehh but I don't know where you live".

"Meet me at the big supermarket, the one closed to your house, I'll come and take you at 10, is that ok?" I was telling him.

"Super, sure, see yaa" he hang up.

Just then my cousin woke up, "Why are you so happy" she was confused. "Don't worry, come get up we gotta go and get Jason" now she knew why I was that happy and she gave me 'that' look again, she actually needs to stop that.

I got up, got dress, brushed my teeth and start walking to the super market with Andra where I was supposed to wait for Jason.

I saw him, he was near the market entrance drinking a coca-cola can.
"Hi yaa" he said hugging me and Andra.

We were walking slowly to the park near my flat. "Do you want some?" he said raising his juice can at me. I took it and drank a bit from it. "Thanks" then he smiled. I love his smile, which is more like a smirk, but still I love it.

I called some of my friends to come over. We were in the park on the bench when I see my friends coming. I hugged them then we all started talking. Some bunch of little kinds were playing hide and seek. Then one of them came to ask us if we want to play. Everyone agreed but I, Kelly and Jason didn't. Kelly was my very good friend, she was my best friend before when I used to go at the school from my natal country. Then my sister came and pulled me off the bench "Come, you need to play, pleassseee" she was doing the puppy face. I couldn't deny it so I said I'm playing. I convinced Kelly and Jason to play as well.

A girl called Marline was counting. I didn't know where to hide, then I remembered about the place I always used to hide last year. "Jason, come with me" I was whispering to him.

We went in a flat. The flat had two exits, the one with the exit in the park and the one with the exit in the street. We got the exit with the street and decided to go around the park and get out of the other way behind.

There was everything quiet when we heard a sound. "Come, run" he said getting my hand. We were holding hands walking to the other way of the park. When we were almost there we stopped and I don't know how but I was in his arms facing him. He put his arms around my waist and started pulling me forwards him. Our lips were getting closer.

"Aha, got yaa!" Marline was screaming when she saw us. She ruined our moment. Thank you (note to sarcasm).

We were running to save ourselves when I saw my sister coming from the other way running. Her slaps went off her foot and she felt down. She started crying. I picked her up and set her on the bench. Her knee was bleeding. It wasn't that bad but she always cries of everything.

I tried to calm her down. It was impossible. Then I see Jason making some funny faces hopping that it would make her laugh. He was talking to her slowly and friendly trying to calm her. He did it. I was just sitting there looking in aww. I never saw him like that before "I through you are a bad boy'" you could see the shock on my face. "Does this mean I don't have a heart?" he was serious. I told him that I was just kidding and thanked him for calming my sister.

After the game finished the little kids went home as they had ro take the nappy or eat, Kelly went home to take her lunch, so Andra and my sister did. As me and Jason weren't hungry, we stayed it the park waiting for my cousin and sister.

Me and him were sitting on the bench eating crips. He was lying on my lap and I was playing with his blond hair (I have no idea how we got in this position)

"You messed my hair up!" he had a smile in his voice.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna fix it, but just to let you know you can die if you eat crisp lying down" I was laughing. He moved his head in a 'I don't care' way.

After a minute he stood up quickly and coughing. My heart stopped. I patted his back and gave him water to drink as fast as I could. Now he was ok.

"Omg, you fucking idiot, you fucking scared me, I though you're gonna fucking die in front of my eyes!" when I'm angry or scared I start to swear, like a lot.

"Wow, I never heard you swearing, goody goody" he was kind of shocked by hearing my language that he didn't expect to her from me.

"Yeahh, I was about to have a heart attack because of you and you are worrying about the thing that I swear" I was giving him a 'really?!' look.

He started laughing. I couldn't laugh because my heart was still bumping like it was jumping out my chest.

After, his grandma called telling him to come home. He remembered about he promise and that he didn't do it. He told me to come over his house tomorrow so he can teach me football but just then I remebered my cousin said that tomorrow she's going somewhere to eat with her boyfriend and she would love if we would come too. I asked him if he wants to come too so he agreed. I told him we are going to meet at 1:00 in the park near us.

He went home. I hugged him, he looked in my eyes and smiled. "Byee" I waved my hand at him and went home too.

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