30. Send Out

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Lunch break finished and as I said I decided to go to my next lesson. I walked in the class.

"You're late!" Mr. Maxwell said, our Religion Education teacher wasn't there so he was covering the lesson.

"Cool" my tone was calm because I didn't really care.

The teacher which didn't mind us talking just if we were loud. I was sitting next to Drake. He saw that I'm upset.

"Are you okay?" he realised that I'm not feeling so well.

"No, I need to talk to you" I went closer to him as I was two chairs away from him.

"Go on" he's face was worried.

I told him what happened today and everything I heard. Mike, Drake's best friend, he was sitting in front of us playing on his phone being careful not to get couch by the teacher.

"Omg, I'm sorry" he came and gave me a hug.

Chloe, the girl I hate the most. She has blond long hair and a face with a tone of make up on. She has blue, shiny eyes and her boyfriend is the most popular in our year so she thinks she's a super star. Chloe was behind us and she saw me hugging Drake.

"Ohh, you're such a bitch, you're flirting with your best friend's boyfriend. You try to get popular by getting close to Jason and when you see is not working you go for you're best friend's boyfriend. What a shame!" she was giving me her dirty looks. I hate her looks, they kind of try to tell you 'don't mess with me' or something.

"Look, Drake is my best friend and I would never flirt with him, you stupid? And the thing with Jason is not true and is none of your business. And you're calling me a bitch? You? The one that is going out with Leo just so you get more popular, you're using him!" I was talking loud and everyone was staring at me.

"Get out the class, now!" the cover teacher yelled from across the room handing me a paper with a class name on it. People are send out the class when they are being disturbing and they go to another lesson, another class where you just stay and do some given work until it finishes.

I never had been send out before, it was a shock for me. Just the baddest kids in the school are send out. I am a goody goody, I never argue with anyone or with anybody in lessons, but today was just too much. She just pissed me off so badly. Really, I didn't really care, I already had a shit day and it couldn't get worse.

"No, what? She started!" it wasn't fair that I was to blame.

"You were the only one shouting, Amelia" the teacher said and I walked off the class, slamming the door behind me. I could hear some "ooohh" and "woow" coming from my class that was shocked too that I got send out for the first time, I looked on the paper where it said "A20" I looked for that class. I found it. There was a lesson, I guess it was Religion Education, the same I had but a different teacher. The teacher was Ms. Terry which is very nice and kind.

I looked to see who was in that class. Jason was there. Just great! *sigh*

"I got send out" I said in a casual tone ignoring all the surprised eyes on me, handing her the note.

"Go sit down at the back" she pointed to the sit.

Almost all the class was giggling and whispering maybe because how could a goody goody like me be send out? Everyone except Jason. He was staring at me kind of shocked. I could tell from his face he was sorry for me.

I went to the sit where the teacher showed me and then the lesson continued. I didn't do any work, I didn't want to. I was thinking what if they are going to call my parents, they are going to kill me. Well, it wasn't my fault...But still. The class was having a presentation that I just ignored.

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