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Monday, October 25th

Palm Valley Academy is a whole new world the week before homecoming. Proposals are coming from left and right and in every grade. Every passing period, I was bombarded by large white posters with neon marker and barcodes that hadn't been ripped off yet. Girls are buzzing around the hallways, talking about their dresses and where they're getting ready. It made me think about how Malika and I were getting ready, or where. I definitely wasn't getting a date less than two months into the school year. The guys are always leaning on the red lockers that line our hallways, talking about their "overbearing" girlfriends who won't stop begging them for a formal proposal.

"Honestly, I don't get it." Malika's once-spinning chair comes to a halt as her lab goggles shift on her face. We're doing our first science experiment of the year in Biology and the room smells like chemicals and rubber gloves.

"Don't get what?" I lean over and adjust her glasses upright, earning a "thank you" look. I was totally zoned out after listening to Mrs. Augustine drone on about chemical reactions and the role that enzymes play in... ugh whatever.

"I mean," she clears her throat. "If I was going to ask some girl to prom, I wouldn't want to go all out and ask her publicly. Kyle has balls, I guess." Oh, we were discussing the unfortunate rejection of Kyle Springer by Megan Rich, some juniors in our school.

"I'd want a guy to go all out. Wait- actually, no. That's way to embarrassing." I laugh at the thought of a guy dressed in a cheese costume holding a sign that reads "Not to be cheesy, but will you gouda homecoming with me?". You have to give some points to Kyle for creativity.

"Oh, come on, Sophia." Malika leans in playfully. "You don't wanna be the pepper jack to my cheese? You know you brie long with me." She slaps the table and doubles over laughing. I can't help but cackle, too. We look up at each other simultaneously and continue laughing, Mrs. Augustine's eyes burning into our foreheads. RIP to my participation grade.


"Aw, Soph, you look a like you're in a bit of a rush." Mero looks me up and down as I run into the gym from the locker room, panting. How the hell is he here already? Before I can ask he says, "You wanna skip Music with me?"

"What? No. Wait, maybe. Isn't that 8th block?" I stutter, shocked by his sudden question. Simultaneously, I glance around for Gigi, who was normally twirling her dyed brown hair and attached at Mero's hip.

"Yup, perfect block to skip." he wiggles his left eyebrow inn a way that makes him look absolutely ridiculous. I can't help but let out a giggle, at which he smiles. "So?"

"Hmm," I consider his offer. I'd definitely have to text Malika I'm skipping. Mrs. Boor likes me so I don't think she'd look too much into it. Lastly, Mero seemed fun. These past couple of months have made me grow pretty fond of him. He makes people smile, not just me but everyone. "Sure. Where should I meet you?"

"In the library? Everyone skips there."

"Sounds like a pla-"

"Merooo!" Gigi says in a sing-songy tone. She latches onto his arm and looks up at him with her signature doe eyes. "Hey, Sophia." her eyes glance over me before returning to the apple of her eye. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing, Gigi, Jesus." Mero shrugs Gigi off of him and guides her away with his free arm. I look at them, shocked at Mero's unexpected indifference towards Gigi. His eyes looked more than annoyed- angry. Gigi's face drops and a light red pigments her cheeks.

"Oh." She walks towards the gym teacher, who is signing people in for attendance. Now it's just two more periods until I skip with Mero, I guess.


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