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Some time later…


Hello, it's me… uh, I’m not sure what to even call myself. It's weird, well it's not like I can call a bunch of garbled nonsense my name so that's out of the picture…

I am alive. Breathing. First thing is the changes I have noticed…

I haven’t slept in more than a week.

I haven’t eaten in a week.

I haven’t drank in I don’t know how long.

My body doesn’t even look like it's aged at all.

I at first was rather worried, clearly, something was up, right? I thought long and hard about it, as I sat here in the dead of night just thinking about what my situation was. Situation… I like that word too… The shards, they changed me. Morphed me. Mutated me into something I don’t even think I can call human anymore. Well, I still am? I still look like one, act like one, think like one, so on and so forth, but I exhibit things that are not human, like hunger, thirst, or sleep. They all avoided me… I didn’t even notice until a few moments ago. I can’t hear my stomach growl. My eyelids don’t shut on themselves when I should be tired. I have changed. I feel… artificial, like I am growing into a strange and twisted puppet, being held together by the shattered remains of those in battle.


Cool… I find it rather strange, but interesting all the same, my body. This does give time for more travel and things to do, of course so I’d rather not question it. It’s too late to question anything real-

“Hey! It’s dark out here!” A voice echoes in my mind.

“Rest easy, you almost blew my eardrums out…” I mutter, even though it’s all in my head. Ah yes, the voices in my head. Too many to count, but I have been able to differentiate who is from who from their tone and from what they say.

“Sand! Sand!”

“Yes, it's sand.”

“I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough-”

“No need to repeat yourself.”

I say to the two other voices. Sure they may be all over the place, but they keep me company. Despite their… ramblings.

Now I know what you may be asking, what do I even do now?

I travel.

Simple, I guess, but that is all I do. I travel the lands to what I see fit. All types of cultures, people, architecture and religions I came across during my travels. It was from this I realized how primitive I was back then… We were definitely behind. I met some rather interesting people too, several empires I came and went through. I was a merchant for a while too, just selling things I would just find during my journey. I still haven’t seen everything yet…

So now I am here in this rather long and expansive desert, next to a small oasis within it as I lay down, the stars above blanketing the sky.

The stars.

It's crazy how out there, there are living things. Gems. Other life.

And we sit here knowing nothing about it. Just going about our lives as we see fit. Well, it's not like we can get up there with the technology we have now. As of right now, we are utilizing the metals and ores within this planet for creating simple things… I haven’t crossed any bodies of water yet, but I will soon though…

It is odd, being aware of all of these advanced things, like information I should never have had access to, but I do. These shards-

“Crystal Clods! Ew!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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