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In the room,everyone is sitting wearing all black covering over their bodies. The atmosphere is gloomy and fright in the air could be felt and, it is all because of him the man who sits there in the middle of the large lacaciata marble table with gold coloured frame work done on it. He is a strange looking man wearing greyish green cloack covered gown?? and with no nose?? oh my merlin he looks horrible.

His words came out slowly and petrifingly like the hissing of a snake, bloodcurdling everyone present in the room. The soul bearing bodies in that room were his followers, they all bowed him he was their deity. They wish they could say his wish is their command but they can't cause the dark lord voldemort never requests he always commands. After all he is one of the greatest wizard in the history, yet not the greatest and he abhors it, he wanted to have all the power of the universe to rule the world of muggle and wizarding but he had to stop those so called humane wizards specially that boy who lived the boy who made history the boy who made people question his powers. 

LUCIUS - My lord almost every royal family of pureblood are with us except the few

(Lucius said in the middle of their discussions )

VOLDY- But i want that specific family to be with me 

(He seem to have some other demands to use someone for something he didn't had before with him to win )


LUCIUS- He is quite a tough man to capture my lord they aren't someone who favour muggles but won't agree in killing them either.

(He said scared he can't fullfill his wishes)

VOLDY- I know Lucius i am well aware of him, but there is a way i thought of accomplishing it, your son Lucius,I just hope i am not about to break that young boys heart.

(The Malfoys got a bit scared not wanting their son to be involved in all these things )

NARCI- Draco?? but my lord he is just a boy

(She said petrified trying to save her son, a mother after all)

VOLDY- Oh Narcissa don't be so windy. I'll ask for just one sacrifice from you, marry dear draco to yn sewlyn and then they will be on our side.

(The word sacrifies didn't help much with their fear.)

NARCI- I am afraid he is too young for marriage my lord he hasn't even completed his school yet-

(She tried her best to convinced him)

VOLDY- Sure he is and young heart is sso easy to tame to make a mistake.... you can do it can't you lucius, talk to them make them fall in your trap. this plan must be successful

(He hissed again like a snake grinning evil.)

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