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Melissa is yn's mom (M)
Anthony is yn's dad (A)

M- Yn darling, are you done sending letters to your friends.

(Yn could hear A soft friendly voice of a women in her 40s could be heard from the down stairs the foot of her were paddling towards her room, when she could fell her door open she looked back giving herself a break from the letter she was writing to her muggle-born friend Hermione)

Yn-Yes mom this is the last, one writing it to hermione (tying the letter on her owls who was named flora in yns first year)

M -Sweetie your father is here he wishes to have dinner as soon as possible come down quick, he seems to have a word or 2 for you

Yn -For me?? ok ,I will just get wash up and come (she replied and ran towards the bathroom.)

*in the dinner room*

A-How did your vacation go yn. He asked starting a convo with his daughter as these were the last day of her holiday

Yn it went just fine dad. I had fun with uncle Jimmy he brought me a new broom.

A -He has always adored you. (He laughed at his brothers love towards his daughter.)

Yn-Yes, he really does that, and he even got me so many magical sweets and muggle sweets as well, kept some for my friends too.  (She said being all giddy about meeting her friends soon. )

M-That is so sweet of you sweet, I am sure your friends will like it. (She said encouraging her daughter.)

Yn yes mom, specially Granger.

A- Granger?? Your muggle born friend.

( he asked in doubt)

Yn-Yes dad

A -Honey I thought maybe you could get along with Mr. Malfoy too.

Yn- Malfoy??? You mean Draco Malfoy

A- yes, Lucius is an acquaintance of mine and he invited us together to the dinner, also he wishes if you and his son could get known to eachother better. ( Mr sewlyn said unaware of the man's intentions. )

Yn- Me and Malfoy?? Impossible dad I can't  he always bullies my friend make fun of them. He calls hermione a mudblood. He always behaves as if he is somewhere's prince always bossing around everyone making fun of everyone and he respect none. He is just a rich spoiled pureblood kid in his purebloodmania, I hate him father.

(She spit out of pure hatred towards malfoy complaining like a child. )

A- But sweetie I've already accepted his invitation we are going tomorrow evening to their mansion, take Lusi and Margo to the diagon alley and buy your books make sure to buy a nice dress for yourself too okay.

(He seem to refuse to his daughters wishes)

Yn- Mom I don--

( she was being stubborn )

M- It is just a dinner honey, don't  be dramatic

(just like all mom she knows how to shut her daughter too)

Yn- Fine

(she huffy being annoyed and concentrate on enjoying her dinner iwith her family)

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