Chapter 1: Before My Time

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The venture home had peculiarities. Everyone was separated. Not just in different places, but different times as well.

Such is the case with Priscilla and Kettles. The two appear in a police van of all things. Confused, the two look at each other.

Kettles is not like the other living pots. She is green with gold trims. The lid isn't red with the Erd Tree emblazoned in, it looks like the shield that Linkle uses.

Suddenly, the girls hear a language their dad taught to them. "Hey kids, mind helping me out of here?" It's coming from the bag.

Priscilla and Kettles look at each other again and shrug. Priscilla tears the bag with her tail. The sludge villain comes out."Thanks, kids. Now which one of you meat sacks am I hiding in?"

Kettles raises her hand, jumping. "Oh! Oh! Me me me me me! Pick me! I got a lot more room than her!"

Priscilla huffs. "You do not!"

Kettles points her fingers at Priscilla. "I do too! I'm a jar!"

As the two girls argue about who gets to hide the sludge man, the man in question is blue screening. No one has ever even considered letting him just go inside their body. They always struggle which is hard because he has QAD, quirk addiction disorder. Now two kids are arguing about who he goes inside. You gotta admit that can be weird. "I think I will go with the jar, thanks."



Kettles opens her lid and the sludge man goes inside. The two girls punch open the door and hop out. After that, they just walk off while other cars either dodge them or get punched. "Please tell me you two are using the sidewalk."

Priscilla and Kettles look at each other again. "What's a sidewalk?"


Detective Tsukachi Naomasa is a reasonable man. And he tries to make reasonable decisions. But what he just read on the report is absolutely not reasonable or even rational.

The transport vehicle for a villain that apparently was able to hold off four heroes at once got raided by a pair of kids from nowhere. Said kids are assumed to have abducted the villain and proceeded to walk in the middle of the road and cause mass destruction. They also beat the rank three hero Hawks.

Like, what the hell?!


"What the hell?!" The sludge villain looks at the two kids in exasperation. "Who are you kids...?"

"Priscilla Midoriya."

"Kettles Midoriya!"

"Wait, Daddy said that people in his homeland introduce themselves backwards!"

"Oh my gosh, you're right!"

"I'm Midoriya Priscilla."

"Midoriya Kettles!"

"Ashido Sasuke."

Yep, I am reusing the name. And the plot!

Okay, Sasuke is officially done with today! "God damn it, all I want is to find my daughter!"

"We can do that!" The kids each take out a necklace. Then, they walk off. Sasuke could just ignore them, but... "Curse them and their cuteness!"

And that is how the trio found themselves on the trash beach. The two kids randomly start digging... and digging... and digging. Suddenly, Priscilla holds up a bottle of pink jelly. "I found her!"

She smashes the bottle on the trash. And out of it comes...

"Suu!!!!!" Sasuke rushes over and hugs his daughter

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"Suu!!!!!" Sasuke rushes over and hugs his daughter.

Then, a tall muscular man comes along. "Well, ain't this precious. Too bad you gotta die now."

Sasuke knows who this is... It's Muscular! The body builder villain! "All Might..." Hearing them get the name wrong and say it in unison with unrestrained bloodlust is both unnerving and hilarious.

... Until you see what exactly they are doing. Sasuke never thought he would see Muscular of all people begging for mercy. And these are kids for crying out loud! Ooh, that's gotta hurt. Ouch, he's going to feel that in the morning.

Sasuke hopes beyond hope that they won't be a bad influence on his daughter. Still though... "Do you kids have anywhere to go?"

"We could go to our grandma's. Daddy said it's on **********, whatever that means." Kettles says.

"I think I know where that is." The four rest at Sasuke house and the next day, Sasuke leads the group to an apartment building and the four part ways.


Hearing a knock on the door, Midoriya Inko opens it and... "GRANDMA!!!" gets tackled to the floor. Did... Did they just call her Grandma? When did Izuku have the time for that?!

Still though... Inko must be a good host. "Come to the table, kids."

It's on this way that the early Izuku is inspired to adopt Priscilla and raise Kettles in the Lands Between. Not that any of them knew it.


Naomasa is currently having a rather painful migraine. According to the information he just got, Muscular, an S rank villain, was beaten to a bloody pulp and castrated by two kids because they thought he was All Might. Damn.

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