Realization of S.W.

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When I was browsing through Wattpad like a normal person, I came across a book title which included S.W.. Of course being my supernatural obsessed self, I thought it meant Sam Winchester. To my disappointment though, I ended up with a book that involved highly hormonal teenagers that day dream about this guy named Samuel Wilkinson. Let's just put it this way, I was not happy. I tried to complain to Penny but she yelled at me for interrupting her show H2O, *scoff* mermaids.



Well in my defence, I was at the really intense part where everything had just gotten real. At precisely this moment Hamster started going all crazy and had these muscle spasm type things where she threw her phone across the bed, and started yelling, "OMG!!!!!" And then she started going on and on about how Samuel Wilkinson and his crazed hormonal girlfriends made fan fiction on Wattpad. And then I told her to shut up cuz I was getting to the good part. She was quiet for a second or two until she started screaming her head off-



Oh be quiet you George crazed lover! I did not go on and on about that guy. No offense to all those people and Sam Wilkinson, I was having one of my moments and had not been able to watch morning supernaturals shows since I was in Chicago walking my arse off-


*One of those cool commercial deep voices*

This logical randomness conversation has been interrupted due to milking a goat, tornado warning, and the Bachelorette. Dang, there is some drama going on tonight!!!

A/N - Sorry if we offended anyone, Hamster was just throwing a tantrum.

*Glares* You little - XXXXXBadWord

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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