Beyond the sea

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The next morning the group packs up ready to go on their rescue mission 

John Dory: ok guys I'm going to get Rhonda 

Then while they were waiting they heard a girl singing 

Then the group saw a girl who looked similar to Bruce with the same hair color, eye color and surfer style with the distinct different that her skin was purple 

Bruce: hey there nice song

Girl: thanks 

Bruce: I'm Bruce

Girl: I'm Sandy

Clay: is it just me or do Bruce and Sandy look similar to each other 

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Clay: is it just me or do Bruce and Sandy look similar to each other 

Florian: the no I the see it the too

Sandy: how have we never ran into each other before 

Bruce: no clue 

John Dory: ok guys Rhonda is ready so we can go rescue Blossom 

Sandy: what Blossom is in danger 😱

Branch: and you know her because 

Sandy: she's my little sister I'm coming to saving to save her 

Then they see muppet guy come 

Muppet: hey Sandy

Sandy: hi Brady 

John Dory: who's this

Sandy: that's my husband Brady

Bruce: you too

Sandy: what do you mean 

Bruce: my wife is like Brady her name is Brandy 

Sandy: you know her she and I do yoga together 

Bruce: cool 

Then they see a group of kids who were trolls but had yarn hair

Sandy: and these are my kids 

John Dory: 🤨 *thinking* how

Brady: so what is going on 

Sandy: my little sister is in danger and this group is going to go save her 

Brady: don't worry Sandy I will keep a eye on things at the restaurant and the kids while you go save your sister 

Sandy: *kisses him in the cheek* thank you so much Brady 

Sandy's daughter: mom can I come

Sandy: no Brook it's too dangerous 

Brook: aww 😫

Later the group with the addition of Sandy hop on Rhonda and started their journey to go rescue Blossom

Trolls Sister rescueWhere stories live. Discover now