A new village

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The group continued the journey to Mount Nevermore and they noticed Flora was stressing 

Floyd: is everything okay 

Flora: I'm just worried about Blossom like what if she is in a diamond prison and Sodapop is draining her life essence it was awful for me and I don't want her to go through that 

Floyd: you were in a diamond prison too

Flora: that happened to you 

Floyd: a couple years ago I was trapped in a diamond prison by a sibling duo named Velvet and Veneer who stole my talent so they could be famous and I almost died from it but my brothers were able to save me 

Flora: wow that is something similar to me except I was thirteen when it happened 

Everyone but Sandy and Florian: thirteen 😨😨😨😨😨😨

Flora: but don't worry I'm ok now I'm still writing songs and I have a beautiful girlfriend Blair 

Floyd: cool I actually have a boyfriend named Boom

Flora: that's so lovely 🥰 

Then Rhonda smells something and goes off the path and they enter a giant golf course 

Clay: wow reminds me of mine and Viva's village 

Troll: who goes there😡

Branch: not again 

John Dory: Rhonda what did you get us into 

Everyone was handcuffed 

Florian: the this is the not what the I was the expecting 

Troll: silence outsider 😡

Then they headed into a castle 

Clay: where are you taking us

Troll: to our leaders Vito and Clara

Then they see a male troll who looks like Viva but with teal eyes and a girl who looks similar to Clay but with purple skin 

Vito: what is going on 

Troll: we found a group of outsiders 

Troll two: should we kill them 

Vito: for the last time Tiger we don't kill outsiders 

Tiger: aw 😔

Then Clara sees Sandy and Flora

Clara: wait Sandy, Flora

Sandy and Flora: hey sis 

Troll: you know them 

Clara: yes they are my sisters 

Vito: wait you the pink one 

Poppy: yes

Vito: is your name Poppy 

Poppy: yes

Vito: and are your parents names Peppy and Amapola

Poppy: yes 

Vito: wow I can't believe I finally get to meet you 😄

Poppy: wait your my cousin Vito 😄

Vito: uncuff everyone right now 

Everyone is uncuffed 

Clara: whoa 😮 

Clay: what 

Clara: you look almost exactly like me 

John Dory: weird first Bruce than Floyd and now Clay 

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John Dory: weird first Bruce than Floyd and now Clay 

Vito: here everyone have some cupcakes 

Group: 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

Peppermint: umm 

Clara: what's wrong 

Peppermint: I never had these things before 

Vito: I promise you it's delicious 

Peppermint: ok *takes a bite* 🤩 this is so tasty 

Clara: so what brings you here

Sandy: our sister Blossom is in danger 

Clara: what 😨

Flora: she was kidnapped by a troll named Sodapop 

Clara: ok count me in 

Sandy: that's quick 

Clara: there is no way I'm willing to lose my little sister 

Then Clara told Vito everything then she joins the group and they continue their journey to save Blossom 

Trolls Sister rescueWhere stories live. Discover now