The adventurer

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The group continued their journey 

Clara: so Clay what do you do

Clay: I'm a licensed CPA

Clara: what no way me too 

Poppy: *gives Lumina her bottle*

Lumina: 😙🍼

Peppermint: she's so cute 

Poppy: thanks 

Peppermint: do the people in your family have fins like her 

Poppy: no Branch and I adopted her kinda like how you said you were taken in by Sodapop 

Branch: how do you know Blossom 

Peppermint: she was the first troll I met in the outside world she is so pretty and so sweet *blushes*

Poppy: I see you like her

Peppermint: I don't know but I feel funny when I think of her like my heart races, and my mind can't stop thinking about her 

Poppy: aww you're in love with her 🥰

Peppermint: really 

Branch: yeah that was how I was with Poppy

Poppy: aww 🥰 *kisses Branch on the cheek*

Then as they continue their journey they see a troll land on Rhonda 

Everyone except for Sandy, Clara and Flora: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Peppermint: what do they want with us 😱

Then everyone gets out and sees a troll who looks similar to John Dory except for her purple skin 

Sandy: Jade Dory *gives her a disappointing mom look*

Jade Dory: what 

Clara: did you jump off a cliff to escape explorers again 

Jade Dory: yes but you know those guys don't like that I say no 

Peppermint: how do you know her

Flora: She's our eldest sister 

Clara: our crazy daredevil older sister 

John Dory: I would do the same honestly 

Jade Dory: really 

John Dory: yeah I'm John Dory leader of BroZone

Jade Dory: I'm Jade Dory leader of StarZone 

Clay: whoa you two look so similar and act similar to 😮 

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Clay: whoa you two look so similar and act similar to 😮 

Branch: it's very odd that your four basically found girl versions of yourselves 

John Dory: we can think more about that after we save Blossom 

Jade Dory: what happened to her 😨

Then they explain what happened 

Jade Dory: not my sister 

And she calls on her armadillo bus Rocket who bonded with Rhonda and the group now with Jade Dory and Rocket go off to continue the mission 

Trolls Sister rescueWhere stories live. Discover now