Chapter Two

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As the large building with the four letter word, big and bold, came into view, Yale. Luna's heart started to pound out of her chest; she was getting nervous, and questions of why she was there flooded her head, which made her grab Lee's hand, squeeze it tightly, and nearly turn his hand white. "Luna! fuck ow!" Lee groaned in pain, staring at Luna, as he pulled his hand harshly away from her grip, "You're gonna be okay, squirt." he told her with a softer tone of voice, "What if my roommate doesn't like me? or if I fail my classes? or I won't make any friends.." Luna's eyes filled with tears as she said those out loud. Jodie parked the truck and turned to face his little sister. Johnny faced her as well, and they just smiled at her. "Worm, you can't think like that; you'll never make it, though," Johnny told her as he reached out, took her hand, and squeezed it with reassurance. Luna sighed and nodded as she looked at the door. There stood Paul, opening the door for her and standing there, "Come on, pickle." he hummed and helped her down from the large truck. Luna and her brothers were county kids, so they had that southern accent and the truck to prove it. All of her brothers had their nicknames for Luna, Jodie's was Bubs because she used to love bubble baths, so he always called her Bubs and it just stuck. Johnny's was Worm because, as a kid, she always had her nose in a book, making her a bookworm. Paul's was pickle because Luna absolutely loves pickles, and lastly, Lee's was Squirt because of one time between them. Luna and Lee were running around the yard with juice boxes in their hands, laughing and being loud, when their father, Mark, walked out and yelled at them to shut up. It scared Luna so much that she ended up squeezing her juice box so hard that it squirted all over Lee and had him all blue.

Luna sighed and jumped out of the truck and looked at Paul, who just smiled at her, while the rest of her brothers got out and surrounded her, their arms open, "Oh please no! You guys don't do this!" she whined as they all wrapped their arms around her and hugged her, something the boys always did to annoy her. Luna was never annoyed by it; she loved it just like her brothers; they were her best friends. That was another reason why leaving for college was so hard for her; she was leaving her brothers. None of them were planning on going to college, and Luna didn't for a while either until she got a scholarship for her writing. The four boys each grabbed a suitcase while Luna grabbed her backpack and laptop bag. As they walked up to the doors, Luna pulled out a small envelope from her bag and opened it, grabbing her dorm room key, "Room 348, floor 3." she read the paper out loud for the guys to hear, and they nodded making their way inside, the sounds of "oohs" and "whoas" filled the hallways as the group of five walked down the halls, Luna knew they were for her brothers, they were very handsome men, so she wasn't surprised, but none of them were into dating, more of one night stands types. In the elevator, Luna giggled, "All these girls are probably so jealous I got four handsome guys following me," She said with a laugh. It was quiet until the boys started to laugh at her, "Too bad none of us want them, huh." Jodie said softly as he wrapped his arm around Luna's waist, making her smile and look up at him. Once on the 3rd floor, the group of five piled out of the elevator and walked down the hall until they reached her doom room. Luna turned the key in the keyhole and pushed the door open, her eyes widening. The dorm was like a mini apartment, they walked inside and there were two doors with blank chalkboards hanging from the doors, a small living room, and to the right a little kitchen, Luna giggled at the sight, "Ahh!!"

One of the doors opened to the left, and out walked a female, with bouncy blonde curls and brown eyes, she looked the four guys up and down and then her eyes turned to Luna, "You must be Luna?" she said. Her voice was a bit high-pitched. Luna nodded with a smile, and the girl's lips curled into a smile, too, "I'm Britney! Your roomie!!" she said and hugged Luna. "Hi! These are my brothers, Jodie, Johnny, Paul, and Lee," Luna told Britney. "Very nice to meet y'all!" Luna's brothers tipped their hats and smiled at her, Jodie looked around and made his way to the door that the girl didn't walk out of, inside was a bed, a nice white desk, and a walk-in closet, "Boys, here." Jodie said, causing the rest of the boys to follow him and set Luna's things down in the room. With a smile, Luna followed them and sat on the bed, setting the two bags she had down. "Want us to help you unpack, Worm?" asked Johnny. Paul hit Johnny's shoulder and chuckled, "Johnny don't wanna leave our little Pickle." He said softly. Luna looked at them and smiled. "I don't wanna see my sister's panties." Lee cut in. Luna burst into laughter, hearing her brother speak, "Good, I don't want you seeing my panties either." she smiled and stood up from the bed, walking over to Johnny, "I'm okay, Johnny, thank you though." she told him.

About an hour later, Luna was alone, unpacking her suitcases. Standing alone in her dorm room, she made sure to set all her notebooks and pens on the desk provided. Luna thought about how her first day of college was going to go; her stomach started to turn with anxiety as she thought about the new people and the professors she was going to have. This was a new thing for Luna but she was ready, she had all the right supplies and the skills to do this, to be here. "Luna?" a voice said, along with a knock at her bedroom door, "Luna, I'm gonna cook some spaghetti. Would you like some?" Luna realized it was Britney. Luna opened the door with a smile, "Yes! Of course I'd love some. I'm quite hungry," she said with a soft laugh. Later that night, both girls sat in the living room, eating and laughing while getting to know one another. "We are gonna be best friends!" Britney said, letting Luna smile and nod, "I agree." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2024 ⏰

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