Cursed Soul

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Narrator: It's a chilly night in New Orleans, and the streets are practically empty as the local voodoo shop comes into view. The dim light of a single candle flickers behind the shop's dusty window, casting eerie shadows across the floor as if the spirits of the dead are dancing a macabre tango.

Customer: The customer, a nervous-looking tourist from out of town, approaches the shop cautiously. The sounds of his footsteps echo through the otherwise silent street. He glances over his shoulder, making sure no one's following him, before steeling himself and pushing open the creaky door.

Haitan: Haitan, the voodoo master, looks up from his work when he hears the bell above the door tinkle. His dark eyes, surrounded by heavy bags and a perpetual scowl, assess the customer with a critical gaze. "Welcome," he growls, gesturing for the customer to enter. "What can I do for you tonight?"

Customer: The tourist swallows hard and steps further into the shop. He glances around, taking in the various animal skulls, dried herbs, and strange artifacts that adorn the walls. "I...I was hoping you could help me. There's someone I need to get back...back in my life."

Haitan: Haitan's lips curl into a sinister smile. "Ah, the age-old tale of lost love. I can certainly help you with that." He slides a worn leather book across the counter toward the customer. "This is a list of my most powerful love spells. Just tell me which one you'd like me to perform, and we'll discuss the payment."

SUMMARY^1: A tourist customer enters a voodoo shop in New Orleans, hoping to restore his lost love. The voodoo master, Haitan, offers him a list of love spells and asks for payment.

Narrator: The list of spells is written in a cryptic script, almost as if it were a foreign language. There are spells for everything from making someone fall in love with you to forcing them to leave their current partner. The tourist hesitates for a moment, feeling a mix of anticipation and fear as he flips through the pages.

Customer: "Um...well, I'd like to make sure they stay with me, you know? So...the loyalty spell?" He asks, pointing at one of the spells. "That's the one I'm interested in."

Haitan: Haitan nods, unsurprised by the tourist's choice. "Of course. The loyalty spell is quite effective. It will bind the target to you, ensuring that they remain faithful and dedicated to you alone." He pauses for dramatic effect before continuing. "But, as with all my spells, there are certain requirements that must be met. You must provide me with a personal item belonging to the target, as well as a photo of them."

Customer: The tourist's eyes widen. "Oh...right. Um, I have a hairbrush of theirs and a photo from when we first started dating. Is that enough?"

Haitan: The voodoo master's expression darkens. "That will suffice." He stands up, revealing his imposing height, and crosses the room to retrieve a heavy wooden box from a hidden alcove. "This is the ingredient I will need for the spell. It is made from a rare type of tree, known for its magical properties. You must pay me $500 in advance."

SUMMARY^1: The tourist customer chooses the loyalty spell from Haitan's list and agrees to provide personal items of the target and a photo. He also agrees to pay $500 in advance for an ingredient needed for the spell.

Customer: The tourist blanches, but then quickly pulls out his wallet, counting out five crisp hundred-dollar bills and handing them over to Haitan. "Here. Is that enough?"

Haitan: Haitan takes the money with a nod, pocketing it deftly. "Yes, that will cover the cost of the ingredient and my services. Now, if you could please give the hairbrush and photo, we may proceed."

Customer: The tourist hands over the hairbrush and photo, his hands shaking slightly. " long will it take to work?" he asks, his voice barely audible above his own heartbeat.

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