right here

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it was the morning after y/n wrote her secret admirer note for katsuki bakugo and hitoshi shinso felt like shit. in reality, he felt like shit the whole time he stayed up with y/n, letting her read out the drafts of the letter she planned on giving her crush.

he tried to ignore it, he really did. he wanted to be happy for his best friend, but something deep down was telling him that if she did this, he'd lose her forever. something deep down was telling him that this wasn't supposed to happen.

he was quiet when they met up to walk to school together, y/n figured it was because of how little sleep they both got.

"i don't think you should tell him," was the first thing out of his mouth all morning, and it was when they had already made it into the building half an hour early. 

"why would you say that? we already woke up early for this" y/n looked annoyed, but kept walking. shinso stayed in place behind her.


"because what, hitoshi? that isn't an answer!" y/n groaned as she turned around and made her way back to shinso.

"just," shinso sighed. "just wait a little longer. i don't think now is the best time."

"why are you being so weird?"

"i just don't think it's a good idea! you don't know him at all, y/n. what are you gonna do if he just groups you with the other people he can't stand?"

y/n looked at shinso, trying desperately to read his face for whatever the hell was going on. as she was staring intently, kaminari and sero walked in.

"spark buddy! purple guy!" kaminari greeted. he noticed the tense air and quieted down. "oh, are you guys fighting? sorry!" 

y/n watched as kaminari grabbed sero's arm and ran toward the classroom.

"hitoshi," y/n turned her attention back to shinso, who was now rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding eye contact. "if you don't think i should give him this today, i won't."

shinso didn't say anything in return, he simply nodded and began walking down the hall. y/n followed, still confused. as they were walking, she looked down at her phone.

"i still have time, you want me to wait with you in 1c?"

"no it's fine," by the time he answered, the two of them were already outside of the 1a door. "i'll just see you during lunch."

"okay," y/n mumbled. shinso pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head before leaving. y/n shook her head and walked into her classroom.

once she entered the classroom, her friends weren't too far behind her.

"you didn't do it?" y/n turned and saw tsu and uraraka looking at y/n, and then at bakugo's desk, and then back at y/n. 

"hitoshi stopped me," y/n shrugged as she fidgeted with the letter in her pocket. she didn't notice, but tsu and uraraka shared a look.

"you might owe me money," uraraka said with a smile. tsu only shook her head and sighed. 

"you have any idea why he would do that?" the three girls moved out of the doorway and towards y/n's desk, where she sat down.

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