(all along)

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my dearest y/n,

nah that was too corny. i can't take this seriously LOL.

dear n/n,

i know how much time and energy you put into something when you want it, so i figured i would try to give you whatever energy i can back.

i know that the timing of everything was horrible and i will forever be sorry for that. what i will not be sorry for, however, is me finally telling you. the more you talked about him, the more i realized i was more bothered than i should've been. i finally put how i felt to words a few nights before you decided to give him the letter. when it came time for you to actually do it, i panicked. i couldn't imagine losing you before i even had a chance to have you.

i should've told you sooner, but better later than never, right? 

anyway, i appreciate you taking the time to figure out how you felt before throwing yourself into something with me. what i feel for you is pure, it always will be (and it always has been). i'm glad you were able to match me in the authenticity of it all. i am also so glad you were finally willing to see what was waiting for you all along, even if it was only discovered through me acting weird (LOL).

i told you once that you deserve a grand gesture from anyone you wanted to be yours, so this is my version of a grand gesture. is it very grand? no, not really. but i tried, and i do not have money to buy you any more flowers. none of the places near my house are on sale. 

regardless, i have one question for you. will you, y/n l/n, do me, hitoshi shinso, the honor of being my lovely partner in life as my girlfriend? you don't have to circle 'yes or no' like we're in elementary school, i'll be there when you read this letter (so please say yes, i'll buy you dinner aft if you do).


P.S: i'll buy you flowers on monday, 
i get paid sunday.

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