A New Home

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NOV. 5TH. 2038


PM 04:53

I open the door of the dingy car and look the house in front of me. I notice the construction going on right beside the house, saying 'REBUILD NORTH CORKTOWN', the taxes passing by every now and then. The stationary trash can seems to have been there for quite some time. Todd, who is by the entrance, seems to be quite impatient, so I go ahead and walk up the entrance stairs. He opens the door and he takes his old, dirty coat off and hangs it up.
"You've been gone for two weeks, so the place is a mess..." Todd suddenly speaks up, the first time he's spoken since I've returned.
"You do the housework, the washing, you cook the meals, and you take care of..." he says whilst pointing towards his fingers, but he pauses and looks around.
"Goddammit! Where the fuck the brats gone now?" I stay motionless as he calls for supposedly two children
"ALICE!" he calls out, "Y/N!"
"Oh there y'all are...That's Alice and Y/n, you look after them, homework, bath, all that crap...Got it?"
I look over at the girls and smile. The girl on the left looks much older than the little girl on the right.
"Yes, Todd." I respond and looks over at him.
"Get started down here, then you do upstairs."
I nod and look over at the two girls, Alice runs back upstairs and Y/N follows shortly after, walking instead of running. I look away and see a list of tasks needing to be done.



I take notice of all the areas needing cleaning, I glance over at the dining room table and collect the dishes on it. I notice Alice walks down the stairs, but no Y/N. I advance towards the kitchen, but take notice of Todd talking on the phone. The phone call ends and I make my way towards the dishwasher and scan the condition.

missing component #573BV
154 sale offers available



I walk towards the sink and start washing the dirty dishes. I rinse the plate, and then take a sponge to the plate and gently scrub away the grim that has been left for a few days. I repeat the process with the rest of the dishes, but before I could finish, I feel a figure right behind me. I glance over my shoulder and notice Alice standing in the doorway of the kitchen. 


She runs away and I smile. I continue doing the dishes, but Todd interrupts what I'm currently doing.
"Kara!" I hear Todd yell from the living room.
"Yes, Todd?"  I ask and glance towards him.
"Bring me a cold beer!"


"Right away."
I turn the skin off and look towards the fridge. I open the fridge door and take a beer that's laying down. I close the fridge and walk towards Todd. I take notice of Todd watching a sport called hockey. I place the beer down on the coffee table and take notice of the game. I stand near Todd and watch the game that he's been watching since I've arrived.
"Whatta ya lookin' at? Get the fuck outta here!" Todd starts to say.
"GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" He yells and sits up.
"I'll get back to work." 
I take notice of his extreme language and his demeanor and step away from the television. I turn towards the vacuum cleaner, sitting at the charging station. Kneeling down, I turn the vacuum on and let it go.
I take notice that Alice starts to 'playfully' attack the vacuum.
"Alice! You better stop that right now!"
She quits attacking it and sits down at the table.
"Why is she always pushin' me? Always pushin."
I pick up a beer bottle, but notice I don't have the trash bin with me. I look over at the trash bin.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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