Jensen Ackles X female Reader *Flirting and protective

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Trigger warning: pushy bartender with sexual advances.
Who: Jensen Ackles
Storyline: You are an actor on Supernatural, you've worked on the show before as a teenager, you are returning to your role now that you are an adult. In this imagine Jensen is not married. Jensen gets protective.
Rating: PG-13

Y/N = your name
Y/L/N = your last name


"Y/N?" I hear as I walk through the Vancouver airport baggage claim. This question does not come from a familiar voice, though I should have expected some of the crew to change. This realization makes my stomach turn and tighten. I don't know how ready I am to start acting again.

"Ms. Y/L/N?" The voice asks again, changing my attention to the man standing to my right. He's holding a sign with my name on it. This makes me crack a half smile, at least this hasn't changed.

"Oh I'm so sorry... That's me!" I reply with a half smile. Why did I apologize?

The man smiles. "Hello Ms. Y/L/N. I'm John, I'm happy to take your bags and take you to your hotel. I believe you're scheduled to be on set tomorrow morning."

"Perfect! I really appreciate it." I say and hand him my bag. I follow him to a SUV and climb in the back. I pull out my phone and check a few messages.

"About 10 more minutes Ms. Y/L/N." John says.

"You can call me Y/N." I say to John. "I'm not too formal."

"No problem, Y/N." John says as he pulls into the hotel valet line.

He gives me my bags, I get checked in, and to my room. "One last thing, Y/N. I have a list here for you." John says "it has my number, numbers of crew members and their schedules, as well as numbers of a few cast members. There's also a list of restaurants and things to do around here. Feel free to reach out if you need anything."

I take the pages and thank John. I look through the numbers. Misha Collins sticks out to me. He was always so kind to me, and advocated for me when I was too nervous to speak out. I sit with this for a while, undecided on if to reach out to him.

'Hey! This is Y/N Y/L/N. Not sure if you remember me. I'm set to return to the show tomorrow, was hoping to catch up with a familiar person.' I rewrite the text multiple times and decide to hit send.

I wait... and wait... and wait... I begin to regret sending it at all, what if he doesn't remember me? What if he doesn't want anything to do with me? What if he's laughing- *DING*

'Greetings! We're so excited to have you back on set! A couple of us are going out to The Narrow Lounge for drinks in about an hour. Wanna come hang out?'

I wait a minute so I don't seem too eager 'sure! Sounds fun!'

I spend the next 45 minutes by ordering an Uber and rereading my script.

——————-*At The Narrow Lounge*—————-

I stand on the sidewalk and run my hands through my hair again, maybe I should have put in more effort. I wasn't sure if I should dress up or down. I decided on casual.

"Well hey stranger." A deep voice says from my left.

My stomach jolts and my heart feels like it's in my throat. Please be talking me, I hope. I turn and see a tall, bowlegged man walking up, flashing an award winning crooked smile at me. He's followed by an even taller man, also smiling at me. None other than Jared.

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