Chapter 1 - Rain

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It's a rainy night, Edd and Matt had to pick Tom up from the bar again. The three were walking home with their hoods up, trying to keep from getting wet since they didn't bring an umbrella. Edd and Matt, though annoyed, tried their best to keep Tom on his feet.

" Tom, you can't keep doing this, we aren't always going to be able to come to your rescue Y'know " Edd spoke up, breaking the silence.

" Yeah.. I know. " Tom sighed

" Then why do you keep pulling this?? " Matt chimed in.

Tom was silent.

A few moments of silence passed by before Edd spoke again, " Well at least you didn't get into a fight this time, yeah? "

" ...eehhh.. "

" You did didn't you. "

" Sorry... "

Edd sighed, " You're okay at least, right? "

" Yeah.. I'm fine... "

" You worry for him too much, Edd "

" Its not just him! It's you too! What, is it so bad to care for my nearly lifelong friends? " He chuckled.

Matt paused, " Well- No- "

" Exactly! Or should I say, EDD-xactly! Eheheheh "

" Oh my God you and your stupid puns- " Tom smiled

" You still think they're funny though~ "

" Oh shut up " he laughed

" Nahhh I don't think I will "

" You're such an idiot, Edd "

" I know, that's why we're all friends. We're all a little slow "

" Heh, some more than others. " Tom looked at Matt.

Matt blinked, " Why are you looking at me?? "

Edd lightly pushed Tom, " Don't be mean! "

" hehehehaHahAh- "

Poor Matt looked confused as ever, " I don't get it " he frowned

" Don't worry about it, Matt. " He smiled sweetly

Tom cackled, Edd promptly elbowing him in the stomach to shut him up.

The three continued on their route home, keeping conversation to avoid an akward silence.


The sound of sneakers slapping against the wet concrete with every step was beginning to become unbearable. Hands in his pockets and his hood pulled up, Tord walked along the sidewalk with his head down. He was wandering aimlessly, not having a set destination. He didn't have anywhere to go but home. And it wasn't his home anymore. He couldn't handle the guilt, so he came back to his old city as he hoped it'd help in at least the slightest way.

He grew tired, as he hadn't eaten since the early morning and was walking since then. Tord sat at the edge of the curb, propping his head up with his hand leaning on his knee. He watched as cars passed on the road as he tried to think of what to do of himself. After a good couple of minutes, he was pulled out of his own thoughts by a car that passed by, drenching him in water in the process. Tord was now completely soaked from head to toe.

He wrapped his arms around himself, growing colder by the second. Like an idiot, he didnt bring anything with him. No, money, no food, no nothing. He didn't have anything on him except the clothes he was wearing and his ID. Hell, a night in jail didn't sound so bad to him at this point and time. At least he'd be dry and have shelter. Suddenly, he heard some voices approaching. They sounded somewhat familiar. But he couldn't place any faces.

He turned to where the voices were coming from and immediately recognized the color coordination of their hoodies. He turned back to the road, grabbing his hood as he silently began to panic. As the three approached, Tord kept his head down, hoping that he wouldn't be noticed.

As the three were still talking amongst eachother, a familiar sight caught Edd's eye. He squinted at the red hooded figure, trying to place a name and a face. He stopped walking, causing Tom and Matt to stumble a bit before stopping.

" Huh-? Something wrong, Edd? " Matt tilted his head

" Uhh... Yeah, I think so. Hey, does that person give off a familiar vibe? " He discreetly pointed at Tord.

" Ehhh... No? No, I don't think so. What about you, Tom? "

Tom stared at Tord for a moment, slightly tilting his head, " ..Yeah.... Yeah they do seem a bit familiar. And... And off-putting. "

Matt looked over at Edd, " Do you want to go talk to them? "

" I mean... Maybe but, I don't want to seem rude "

" Don't be a bitch-boy, Edd " Tom said jokingly.

" Hey! Mean. "

He laughed, " Sorry, sorry, I was kidding- You should probably go talk to them though. I know how you are, if you don't do it, it'll eat at you for a good while "

" Yeah, yeah you're right! I'll be right back then. "

Edd let go of Tom before starting to walk over to Tord. Tom and Matt leaned against the wall as they waited for him to come back. Edd went up to Tord and hesitated before leaning down and tapping him on the shoulder. Tord tensed up, gripping the rim of his hood tighter. He tried to avoid looking at him.

" Hey um... Sorry if this is weird but you seem a bit familiar, and.. lost. Are you alright? " He sat down next to him.

" uh... " He turned his head away from Edd, trying to mask his accent, " I'm- Its all good. But I uh.. I don't think I know you? "

" Oh- well, are you sure? You're soaked.. are you waiting for a taxi or something? "

" eh- N-no.. " He looked down

Edd frowned, feeling like he was bothering this person, " I'm sorry... am I botherng you..? "

" Um, no, you're fine- " He glanced at Edd, still trying to hide his scarred face.

" I mean if I am you can tell me to leave- I just- I couldn't shake his feeling that I know you "

" Look, Edd, I'M FINE. You don't have to worry about m- " Tord froze, realizing he messed up.

" ...How do you know my name-? "

" Uhhh... "

" Wait, Your voice... Tord..? "

" Ah um- I don't know who you're talking about- " He pulled his hood down.

" No, I know it's you Tord. Look at me. "

Tord was silent, as he didn't move a muscle.

" Tord. Look at me. "

Again, nothing.

Edd sighed and placed his hand on Tord's cheek, forcing Tord to face him.

" WH- UH- " Tord stammered

" I knew it was you! What are you doing here?! "

" Uhm.. I- I don't even know... "

Edd pulled his hand back, crossing his arms, " You have some nerve showing back up in this town after BLOWING UP OUR HOUSE. "

" ....I know. "

He sighed, " Look, I don't want any trouble so its best you get out of here before Tom- "

" COMMIE?? " Tom yelled out

" ...Notices its you. Damn it- "

" Great. " Tord buried his face in his hands.

This will be fun, he thought.

" I'm sorry. " // An Eddsworld BaconCola StoryWhere stories live. Discover now