North, Simon, and Josh

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"I fucking HATE HIM!" North roars out, aggressively punching one of the many fighting dummies in her room. Josh stares at her in concern.

"What happened this time?" He asks timidly, laughing nervously as his fear of her begins to grow.

"It's Anderson! He went ahead and bombarded Markus and I! He intruded, and then wanted to stay with him!? Of course Connor wants to be with him! All he does is just fuck! Things! UP!" North begins to explode into a series of colorful swear words, causing Simon to begin slightly trembling in fear.

"You're, uh.. hitting that dummy a little bit hard, huh?" He questions nervously, clinging onto Josh as they watch her violate her dummy.

"I will KILL HIM!!" She roars, ripping off the arm of the doll, panting heavily shortly afterwards. Her rage simmers down into nothingness, though she remains fuming, eyes narrowed dangerously at it as she begins pacing up and down her room. Josh watches her warily as he and Simon sit on her bed, trying to stay calm.

"Fuck, you're violent." He states, watching her stalk back and forth in her anger. She turns and glares at the two boys who sit on her bed before finally sitting beside them, sighing defeatedly.

"I'm sorry. I just.. Connor makes me angry."

"I haven't noticed." Simon instinctively blurts out, gasping shortly. He lets go of Josh's arm, and he covers his mouth with his hands, staring at North in fear. "North, I'm so sorry. That was, uh.. that—"

North slowly stands up, and Simon tries pushing into Josh for protection.

"North! We're buddies! Best friends! Comrades!" Simon shouts desperately, trying to get North to stop, but to no avail. She grabs the collar of his shirt, staring at him intently.

"You're lucky you're blonde."

She drops Simon on the ground, walking out of the room. The blond looks up at the dark skinned android.

"W.. Why did.. she say that?"

"Uhm.. don't worry about that. C'mon, let's go get you some cereal."

"Okay!" Simon smiles happily, standing up and following his companion out of the room. "Cinnamon toast crunch, right?"

"Sure, man."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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