Chapter 2 - The other side

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Doin more words than before! tw for detailed shit ig and just bad uh guck i wanna kms

Jon is in the passenger seat (dcfac?!) of Liz's vehicle, holding Odie in his lap while he sits in a mini kennel.
"Im just worried that this isnt good.." Jon wipes his tears as he looks down at Odie.

"I really don't know why Garfield is like this.. Its not healthy for the either of them." Liz comments as she drives.

"I don't know why, and I don't know how to change it. Its painful to deal with everyday, but this time Odies actually hurt." Jon sighs as he calms himself down.

"Are you good yourself?" Liz asks in a gentle tone.

"No, I dont even know my own best friends name anymore.. Lymar...Lymal... something.." He hits his head against the kennel in frustration.

"Lyman?" Liz looks at Jon, as she comes to a stop at a red light.

"Im such a bad person, I struggled to tell Garfield his name. Odies original owner. I bet he thought I was putting him down." Jon groans.

"You seem really stressed, I think you just need a break." Liz says as she continues driving to the vet's office.

"I mean Odie going to Lymans house... is a little break, and Odie will still be happy.. I just dont know what to do with Garfield. He doesn't have an original owner and Im not bringing him back from that adoption center or whatever."

"Garfield has no original family?" Liz asks.

"Not that I know of- I mean- well... he's got Nermal." Jon rests his head on the kennel.

"I can take him in.." Liz suggests. "Just until you're stress free.."

"No... he will stress you out, and honestly if you have him I wont be able to be with you without him there.."

"You're saying you want a break from your pets because your so stressed and really a solution to the stress is with me?" She is a little flustered.

"Yeah.. I guess Garfield will be fine with Nermal, and whatever other cat friends he's got, he will be fine as long as he has tons of food as well."

"I suppose, I guess he'd like that, knowing him. How's he and Nermal? Last time I heart about them, Garfield tried to ship Nermal to the moon instead of.. whatever that place is." Liz chuckles to lighten the mood.

"Well I suppose they got better, I hope." Jon sits up and thinks.

They arrive at the vets office and enter in with Odie, going into one of the rooms.

"Ill do some x-rays and reflex checks." Liz smiles as she takes Odie out his little cage.

She carries him to the x-ray area and proceeds to some scans, sending them to the computer so she can have a look.
She gets out a little hammer for reflexes and lays Odie down.

"Dogs get reflex tests?" Jon questions as he spins in one of the chairs, procrastinating.

"Just for this, so we can see what needs to be done.. and it also depends on where you go, you know?" Liz gently taps Odies joints on his legs and studies the movements.


"I got the x-ray results, it seems as if his back paw is injured but his reflexes are fine, so its not anything major. We just need to give him a little cast and send him to Lymans." Liz smiles as shes looking at the computer with x-ray photos and some notes and other files.

"Thats good to hear!" Jon smiles.

"I guess this is Odies first broken bone, so he isn't taking it lightly, I can tell, he's not really that happy compared to when I see him." Liz walks over to one of the cabinets and grabs some cast materials, walking over to Odie, who's laying down.

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