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Malik POV

I'm so tired when my dad keeps opening the topic that I should get married and now he is sending me in Philippines to handle our one of our branches in Asia. He can just send me in our branch in Malaysia. Well I have ahmed in Philippines my closest cousin that is enjoying his life. I'm a classy man I party but I just feel the vibe for a couple of minutes and after that I will get bored. I came to manila two years ago to study tagalog, so I know some places in manila but I don't go out. I'm the kind of person who loves to read I love learning I'm the opposite of my cousin I don't like to be exposed maybe I'm used to it since we own one of the biggest airline in the middle east. So people know me everywhere here in UAE and Pakistan because of my family. My mom is a Pakistani and my dad is a emerati, My mom's family is known also because most of relatives are in lawyers and my grandfather is a senator in Pakistan. My dad's family who I barely talk is a self made man he is from a middle class family until he and his dad, which is my grandfather build an empire. My dad is pilot and he study aircraft's also same as my grandfather until they decided to build their own airline. I have two brothers Mohammed and Hassan they're still young, Mohammed is eighteen and Hassan is sixteen and I am twenty six turning twenty seven, next month. I'm a dominant person I don't talk so much unless if it's about business I was trained to be like this I have my butler Abu Hamid who will be also with me in the Philippines he is like my father because my father is busy most of the time we barely see each other so Abu Hamid is always with me he started to work with us when he was twenty one years old so he is forty seven by now. I will go to Manila in a couple of hours in one of our private plane. When we reach the airport, I recognize that the flight attendad is a Filipina but you can say that she's not a pure filipina but by her accent she is, I know because We have Filipino employees in our company.

Good Morning sir
Good Morning, Jenny
Here is your, chai sir (chai is tea in arabic)
While I'm sitting in the plane and Abu Hamid is beside me, while reading the economic news in business world in our ipad's.

Jade's POV

Early Morning in Quezon City, NCR

I need to wake up early in the morning it's seven o'clock in the morning , sipping my coffee here in my unit it's hard to be the Manager and cashier at the same time because our cashier lovely is on vacation for one month. I need to be on time to show my colleagues that I go to the shop on time to be a good example to them. I am Jade, I'm the eldest in the family I have three sisters Belle, Joy and May they're my inspiration to hustle more they live in different house because their house is far from my work place and before my mom passed away she gave me a condo unit so one day as an eldest I need to provide a house for my siblings Imagine in a third world country, belle will be graduated next year and joy is on her third year college and may just graduated from senior high. It's hard to live in third world country salary is not enough if you have a family to support but beside on working in cafe or coffee shop. I trade also specially in crypto currency, but I didn't pay attention in crypto lately because I'm working as cashier and manager at the same time it's ok they triple my salary but as I said it's not enough but I love my family so I'll keep hustling as long as I can. I'm here already Danny is here earlier than me.

Good Morning, cleo
Good morning too ( cleo because he knows that I like cleopatra the Queen in ancient Egypt.) Danny is the only person who calls me cleo.
Why you are so early today?
I need a coffee, jade and I badly want to see you my dear best friend
Ok. I will blend a coffee for you then I laughed.

After a couple of minutes of blending my best friend 's coffee and I served It to him. The opening of the shop is seven thirty and I saw someone is coming. It's Eric our the best bartender in the shop and he is with Jenna our waitress they're neighbours so they come to work together. There are still twenty minutes for Abee and Nica to come, Our two waitresses. Danny is telling me his proposal to his finance ,honesty I don't pay so much attention to what he is telling me. I don't know it feels like I'm having a auto pilot mode this morning and I remember I forgot to take my vitamins, I opened my bag and get my medicine kit where I put medicine's such as bioflu, biogesic and neuzep just in case of emergency for me and my colleagues.

Cleo are you even listening?
I am, so continue while I'm taking my medicine. I lied I look at him and pretend that It's syncing on my mind.
Anyway jade I'm gonna start going now, My dad needs me in the office it's almost seven thirty I just came to see my unmarried hopeless romantic bestfriend, Ciao! I will pick you up later.
OK! I rolled my eyes and he hug me.

Danny is from a rich family here in the philippines they're one of the first Indian family here in the Philippines his ancestor, the father of his grandfather work so hard to build the business that they're enjoying now. You can say that they're from the old money people here in Philippines. They own banks, malls and some shares in three five star hotels in Pasay, Makati and Taguig and he lives in Forbes Park in makati and own five luxurious cars at the age of eighteen he is living his life unlike me I'm in survival mode. I met when we were kids we were five during that time I saw him bullied by other kids because he is an indian and until now we we're best friend's twenty one years of friendship he is the only best friend that I have. His finance is blessed to marry someone like him, he is responsible and kind beside that he looks good but he is like a girl he pampered himself so much well it's not a surprise anymore he is a rich kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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