Poor Echo

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Author's Note: I'm thinking from this point on, I want to focus on all the clone boys and their relationships, so I'm turning the tables in this chapter and from now on we'll be following Rex and Ahsoka, Echo and his future relationships, and Fives and his future relationships, and potentially Kix and the others, too. I don't want to spoil anything right now, but I'm hoping it turns out really fun! Enjoy the sleepy cuddles in this chapter!


Echo tosses and turns in his bed. He frustratingly pulls the sheets closer. Then he changes his mind and kicks the sheets off. He internally screams out of frustration and sits up on the bed.

He can hear Fives snoring away peacefully. Echo groans and gets up, walking out of the ARC dorm with only his blacks on.


Echo walks past the regular barracks. He peeks his head inside. Some men are in for the night, curled up and sleeping peacefully. Although, a lot of beds are empty. Probably because they're all on leave on Coruscant. Echo thinks about the boys drinking the night away at 79's.

Echo sighs and keeps walking down the hall. He reaches the Captain's quarters. Echo squints. Is he hearing things? He knocks on the door.


Rex sits criss-cross on the floor in half blacks, half armor laughing his head off. Ahsoka sits next to him with laughing tears in her eyes.

Did someone just knock?

Ahsoka uses the force and casually opens the door. Echo stands there with his head drooped down standing in his blacks. He looks very cozy but very tired.


Rex stands up and puts an arm around Echo.

Is everything okay?

Rex guides him inside and sits him down at the edge of his bed. Ahsoka sits on the other side of Echo with a worried expression on her face. Echo gulps and looks down.

I couldn't sleep.

Rex rubs his hand on Echo's back.

Do you want to talk about it?

Echo stares at the floor and then closes his eyes, sighing. He looks over at Rex and leans his head on his shoulder. Rex grips him tighter.

Do you want to tell me what's going on?

I broke up with Mia.

Echo starts sobbing into Rex's shoulder, his chest heaving. Rex wraps both of his arms around his brother and holds him tight. Ahsoka puts a hand on Echo's back.

I'll leave you two alone. This sounds like guy talk.

Rex smiles at Ahsoka as she stands up. Echo lifts a hand up and waves goodbye, his head still buried in Rex's shoulder. The door slides shut behind Ahsoka. Rex looks down at Echo, rubbing his back.

You'll be okay.

I saw her kissing another man.

Echo wails, his tears soaking Rex's blacks. Rex closes his eyes, feeling his brother's pain. His eyes open suddenly.

I have an idea.

Echo sits up curiously in Rex's arms.

Follow me.

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