Oil & Water

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Dear gentlest readers,

One's hands do seem to be tied as there are rumors going about the Ton as said The Duke Luciano has been seen visiting a widows household. They must be old friends. Or lovers one would say. Beguiling of a smile and charm one may have on another but there is always another smile waiting in the dark of the Ton. Talking about smiles, Lord Worthege seems to have secured a math with Lady Smith. Soon to have their wedding, but one lacks a dowry. What ever shall they do? An ego can never be as big as Lord Worthege's family. 

Yours Truly,

Penelope Bridgerton

"Your hand in marriage would have the Ton talking." A guy said as Portia stood her ground in her personal quarters. "And I have a visitor coming this evening." The lady growled as she exited the room causing the other person to follow her. 

"Come on Portia. Our marriage will have the Ton talking. You do like the attention, right?" The guy asked Portia and he wasn't wrong she liked having some attention drawn to her. But she will never marry a man out of eagerness when all the other person wants is another scheme. What was his scheme anyways?

"Ma'am you have a visitor waiting in the drawing room." Varley approached the two that were bickering in the hallway. Portia rushed into the drawing room and sighed trying to close the door behind her but the tall fellow pushed it open from her. 

"Portia I swear I will do everything in my power to have you marry me."

"Enough! Jack" Portia lowered her voice as she realized she raised it. 

"Excuse me? Am I interrupting something?" Those striking green eyes came into view causing Jack to look at him in surprise. "No absolutely not, your Grace." Portia said a little too quickly. 

"No your grace." Jack said as he bowed in acknowledgement. "I was merely asking for Portia's hand in marriage." He chuckled trying to play it off.  

"Forcefully." The Duke said giving Jack a small glare. "Now you wouldn't want to do that since I am already courting her." Luciano said fixing his tie and gave both of them a smirk. "W-we ne-" Portia said before getting the hint of his reason to say that. "Y-yes we are." Portia faked a smile just as Luciano pulled her toward him and he grabbed her waist causing her to shiver. 

Just as that happened, one of the servants came in and annouced more visitors. Which to Portia's disappointment it was none other than members of the Ton. Since when did they all want to come here. No less when two men are basically dueling each other with their eyes. 

"When is the wedding?" One of the ladies said as she walked closer causing much panic to Portia. "I-I" Portia couldn't say anything obvisouly speechless. 

"Within the next month." Luciano took the liberty into his own hands. Portia looked at him quickly with wide eyes. They very much had much much more to talk about then just the small conversation now. 

"Excellent!" A man from the group said leaving Jack speechless with words. He ran his fingers through his wavy short blonde hair and chuckled. "I assure you this must be an act." He said looking between Portia and Luciano. "And didn't you need to return something of the Ton?" They all looked at him now. Barely noticing him before but assure now they were all glaring at him not forgetting his scheme and how he ran off with all the money some of the Ton members had given to him for investments. 

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