Your So Very Special

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"I don't care if it hurts" Luciano said. "I want to love you like never before." He continued as he held the smaller woman in his arms. With a gasp he pulled her closer to him. Not smelling like alcohol like time she accepted his embrace. 

"Your Gra-"

"No titles Portia. Please?" He said.

It's been a few days after the Ton has heard of the wedding for Lady Portia and The Duke of Magelight. Only a few more days to go and they were to be wed to one another. "Luciano" He loved the way his name rolled off her tongue. How he wished to make her say his name over again and again. "Your skin makes me cry." He said as he cradled her face in his hands. 

"I would give everything to make you happy again to make you love me, my dear." His green eyes stared into ocean blues. The storm could over take her eyes clouded by the desire to be his once again. She took a deep breath and stared at him like he was going to vanish from thin air. "Please don't run from me again." The duke was closer to her. 

Portia closed the distance between them as she kissed him. It wasn't needy and desperate when they first kissed after seeing each other for a long time. It was slow and passionate. Like the first time they kissed underneath that tree. With the flowers in fresh bloom and the grass giving off a nice smell over being freshly cut. Her head was starting to spin as Luciano backed away from her almost causing her to whine at the lost.

Her eyes were almost shining in the sun as they both looked at each other. "Don't give me a reason too." She said as she clung to the front of his suit. He smiled as he leaned down again to kiss her thin lush lips. "I would never." He growled as he grabbed her waist and deepened the kiss. Despite having three children her waist was rather neat. The room filled of a similar scent known to Portia. The scent of the person in front of her. It was rather a comforting smell almost like grapefruits. 

She moaned a little into the kiss. Departing to catch her breath she couldn't help but gasp out as she seen someone standing in the door way to her personal quarters. "P-Penelope I didn't know you were visiting?" She tried to take a step back but was pulled closer to Luciano as he turned around in surprise. 

"I-I uhm. I can come back another time?" She said as she fidgeted with her hands. "Of course Mrs. Bridgerton." Luciano replied giving her a smirk and she gave him a wink in return and closed the door while leaving. "She is going expose us." Portia said as leaned her head onto the front of his suit. 

"We were already exposed when the Ton saw us." Luciano reminded her which caused to groan even louder. 

"Do not remind me." She said as she lifted her head to look at the man before her. 

"But it's the best thing that has ever happened" He grinned a wolfish smile that made her shiver and look away. With a roll of her eyes she chuckled and parted herself from the man and walked to her vanity. 

"I love you dearly but this is just way to much" Portia said as she smoothed out the folds in her dress. "Then don't think about it and just do it." Luciano said as he walked behind the lady. 

Portia looked at him through the mirror. How did she even end up in this predicament? She sighed as she continued to take in the features of the man behind her. "How did we ever part?" She whispered more to herself then to the other person.

Breaking the silence, Luciano frowned "Maybe because your father was a cruel man and your mother just wanted to please him." He rubbed Portia's shoulders. "He was the one behind your marriage correct?" He said questioning the lady. "Yes, he was." Portia looked anywhere then Luciano.

"Well theres part of your answer, my love. He couldn't bare to see his daughter was hanging out with a brown man without a chaperone" he took his hands off the woman and walked toward the window.

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