1x01 | PILOT

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Inside a gasoline store, the owner of the place let out a yawn, "Goddamn rain." He muttered looking outside to see that the sun had been replaced by the moon and it now rained heavily.

With no other choice on how to spend his time, he grabbed his remote and began to watch the Gotham City News. The screen turned on showing reporter Vicki Vale talk with newly appointed Commissioner Ellen Yindel.

"Thank you, Commissioner for agreeing to this interview." Vale tells Yindel, the blonde haired woman smiles back at the reporter. "My pleasure, Vicki." Yindel says.

"First off, congratulations on the promotion." Vicki tells her. Yindel smiles, "Thank you Vicki. I just hope I can honor Jim Gordon's legacy." She told her. The reporter nods her head.

"And we know you will." The owner shook his head, turning his attention away from the television to the door of his store as it opened with multiple individuals entering the establishment.

"What can I help you with tonight?" The owner asks, only to be quickly met with a gun in his face.

In front of him stood a man wearing clown makeup, with several other men including teenagers.

The owner quickly pulls the alarm in a panic just as the man lets go of the trigger shooting the owner in his left arm, the owner groaned in pain as he fell to the floor.

"Grab everything you can!" The leader shouts, his goons nod and start ransacking the place. "What about the Bat?" The youngest goon asks the leader. "Haven't you heard? He's dead." The leader tells him.

The young goon nods and helps the others while the leader goes to the other side of the window and steals all of the money in the register, not listening to the older man's pleas for him to stop.

From a distance, a figure watches them, their eyes scowling as their jaw clenches at the scene in front of them. Touching the gauntlet on their wrist, the lights inside the station turned off.

All of the goons inside began to panic and a few started to leave the place only for them to stop as their eyes widened at what was in front of them.

The leader saw this and walked outside to see what was going on. A few feet away from them stood someone who was supposed to be dead.

The Batman.

The leader laughed covering up his fear, "Guess you're not dead, after all

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The leader laughed covering up his fear, "Guess you're not dead, after all." He comments. Batman said nothing as he just stared at him. "But I just gotta ask what type of guy dresses up like a bat?" The leader asks as he pulls out a machete and swings at him.

Batman dodges the blade and sends a right hook to the leader, the man groans as his vision is disoriented, Batman then places his hand on the back of his neck and slams him to the ground. He reels the leader's head back before hitting him with the ground several times, before stopping.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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