
48 4 19

Song recommendation
Palaye Royale

── 🦋 ──

Danbi was in the bathroom just silently crying. After a while she decided to head to administraters office to hopefully call her brother and be able to go to his house.

She just didn't feel good at all. She walked up to the nice lady who smiled before seeing her state. "Oh dear what's wrong?" She asked.

"People aren't very nice here." She chuckled awkwardly. "Actually I don't really feel good, would it be alright if I called my brother to pick me up?"

"Oh of course dear, just get this absent slip signed by your parents and things will be alright. Go ahead now dear." She gestured to the phone as she looked for the absentee slip.

She picked up the horn of the phone and turned the wheel thingy to ring her brother's number. Her family had the newer model of phone but she still knew how to use the old model as well.

It rang for a bit before she could hear the dial tone end and her brother's voice on the other side. "Hello?"

"Hi Binnie, sorry to disturb you, but could you maybe come and pick me up from school?" She asked biting back tears and the shaking of her voice.

"Did something happen?"

"I don't wanna talk about it, could you just please?" She pleaded. "I can't right now but I'll have Minho take you to my place okay? He's in the neighbourhood anyways. I'll tell em to be nice alright?"

"Yeah okay, thanks bin." They said their goodbyes before hanging up. "Everything will be alright dear. Here." She handed her the slip and she took it before bowing slightly and making her way outside of the building.

"What are you saying?" A voice interrupted her thoughts as she walked outside.

"I told you Boram, you're to clingy, the sex made me feel high but you want more. I don't want you like that. So disappear from my face before I use force." Another voice replied annoyed and threatening.

"B-but you make me not wanna die! Does that mean nothing to you?" The woman cried. Danbi was now close enough to see who it was.

It was Minho and Boram the girl who made fun of her. Minho's face was blank but his posture screamed annoyed. "No, stop trying to make me feel bad for you. We all know you sleep with like half the school Boram, and if mommy and daddy find out. You'll be disowned, so scram."

The girl rolled her eyes and huffed. Her eyes then landed on Danbi. "Oh it's you, you've come to make fun of me? Miss strawberry girl?" She snickered and Minho sighed.

"Scram Boram." He said again before turning to Danbi. He walked closer to Danbi and grabbed her wrist and said "Let's go." Before dragging her along with him.

Boram was just seething from anger.

Minho dragged Danbi to his car and opened the door for her. She mindlessly got in before Minho closed the door and walked over to his side.

He got in himself and started his car before backing out of the parking spot and driving his car. Minho noticed she was quiet and decided to take her somewhere.

"You've been rather quiet princess."

She just hummed not feeling like speaking. Minho rolled his eyes and parked his car on a cliff with a beautiful view of the sea. Danbi just looked at it absentmindedly.

Minho grabbed a hold of her chin with his fingers and turned her head so she'd look at him. "When I ask you something, it's only polite to answer princess. Now answer me." He demanded and she shivered.

"I- I don't feel like speaking is all." She said refusing to make eye contact with him.

Minho scoffed. "You're seriously gonna let some priss whore like Boram get under your skin?" Minho asked annoyed.

"It's not just her." She mumbled but Minho didn't hear.

"What? Speak up Seo."

"It's not just her okay! It's the whole damn school!" She yelled and Minho smirked at her outburst. "Good girl."

She looked at him confused. "Being quiet about it is not gonna do anythin. Vent that anger 'n frustration."

Minho opened the car door and got out before opening her door. He gestured for her to get out and she did reluctantly.

"Stayin quiet is just gonna keep things the way they are now. Be a bad girl Danbi 'n tell em off."

She looked at him as he grabbed a branch and started swinging it at the dead three stump. "Scare em off from ever messin with you again." He said as he struck the three stump again.

He handed her the branch. "Now you try, you can't punch them but you can punch this dead three stump so let it all out." He said and she did.

She hit the stump and let her emotions out and it felt so liberating. She felt so free. She felt so alive.

Minho just watched her with amused eyes. This girl had a lot of pent up emotions bubbling inside.

After a while she tired out and dropped the stick on the ground. Minho laughed amused. "Finally tired?"

"I feel better, thank you Minho. But can I ask you a question, if you don't mind." Minho raised his eyebrow. "Sure. Whether I'll answer or not depends on the question."

"Why did you do this for me? Why did you help me? You don't like me, you make that very obvious every time we meet."

Minho shrugged. "It's no fun gettin under your skin if you walk around all sour now is it?" He teased and she sighed.

"Alright, it's cuz you needed it and when Bin called me. He said you sounded bad 'n he was worried and stuff. He's enough goin' on already. Didn' wanna add more." He explained and she nodded, his explanation made sense.


Sooo I made a playlist and if you'll check it out you'll see it has more songs then chapters. It's bec I deffo wanna use those songs and added them to playlist already so I don't forget yk? They are not added in order. I'll shuffle them around properly once the chapters are out. But you'll have a pretaste of how the book is going to go✌🏻


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