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"the sea speaks more honestly to those willing to drown,"

VASAREZ had taken a momentary detour when going to find her one-eyed husband, landing instead in the north by the Dreadfort

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VASAREZ had taken a momentary detour when going to find her one-eyed husband, landing instead in the north by the Dreadfort. People had been on alert immediately, it wasn't often Northerners saw dragons - the beasts didn't much like the cold.

The Crown Princess slipped off Nafleer's wing, removing her gloves as she walked to the front gate, "I'm here to talk with Ser Arton Bolton," she called, shoving her gloves in her pocket, "on urgent business,"

The guards looked between themselves, faltering slightly at the sound of the woman's dragon taking some steps closer. It certainly helped to have an exceptionally large dragon when it came to intimidation tactics.

"Now, please." Vasarez reiterated, brows furrowing. After a moment she was let in, she was greeted by a kind looking lady. She wore purples, had a sweet smile and seemed almost excited to have a guest.

"Can I assume you are a Targaryen?" she asked, a knowing smile on her face.

Vasarez couldn't help but return one, something about the woman was just so friendly and welcoming - despite what she'd heard of the Boltons.

"A Velaryon in truth," she responded, "but I suppose you weren't far off," Vasarez said, her eyes briefly look around Dreadfort, "are you Ser Arton's sister?"

"I am," the woman responded - she was the Lady Orila Blackmyre, originally a Bolton before marriage. The kindest of the three Bolton siblings. She seemed to have momentarily forget who Vasarez had asked to see before her brows shot up and she laughed a bit, "my brother, Arton, is inside with my husband and Lord brother," she said, placing a hand on the taller woman's back and guiding her into the main hall.

"Brother," Olira called, causing a large man to turn around. He almost bore a resemblance to Ser Harwin, though Vasarez supposed she was just starting to forget the man's face and group two bearded men together.

"Princess," Arton spoke, dipping his head slightly, "we weren't expecting you, your brother was around not too long ago, declared a council with some of our houses," he said, "we have already gave a statement of neutrality-"

"I've cone to assume your allegiance to my mother." She said, brows furrowed and her jaw tight. Arton let out a sigh, nodding to his sister and brother-in-law to leave. They did so, leaving an eery silence in the room.

"I'm afraid my brother stands with no one, he may be ill but he has made that decision for himself," Ser Arton confirmed, his hand resting on the pommel of his sword, thumb rubbing over the blue gem. The grip of his sword had engravings of birds, similar to the symbol of House Arryn.

"Is that for my grandmother?" Vasarez asked plainly, her expression a neutral one as she looked at the man. Arton faltered, eyes narrowing, "the birds and the blue gem,"

"Why do you ask?"

"My mother has told me of your.. loyalty to Aemma Targ-"

"Arryn," the man mumbled, "the man who forced that name on her caused her death."

There was a bitterness to his words, one that Vasarez understood well. She nodded, remaining silent a moment. She kept his gaze though, searching the man's expression a moment.

"Your mother has written over the years," Arton said, voice still quiet, "I am sorry to hear of your families turmoil," he didn't seem overly sympathetic, "I heard of your brothers death from the Starks," he continued, "that I am sorry for,"

"I am glad to hear it, I fear my reaction if you were not," she said simply, arms crossing over her torso. There was silence a long moment further, a tense yet almost comfortable feeling to the room, "my mother, the Queen, needs to know of your loyalty to you. Now more than ever,"

"House Bolton-"

"I do not give a shit about House Bolton's standing!" Vasarez yelled, "the Queen needs to know her mother's protector has not forgotten the loyalty he pledged to Aemma Arryn all those years ago," her voice was still raised, but less angry sounding. She almost sounded threatening.

Arton sighed, running a weathered hand down his equally weathered face, "I've not forgotten my allegiance to the Queen's mother," he confirmed, "nor have I forgotten the loyalty I swore to your mother,"

Vasarez nodded slightly, "she has barely spoken a word since she found confirmation of my brothers.." she trailed off, unable to really say the words, "I know from the tales she told me that she was much the same after her mothers death," Vasarez muttered, "I know you were much the same, Ser Arton, which is why I am here pleading for your loyalty to my mother. Even just as a member of the Queens guard, she needs something." Vasarez knew it was a stretch, but she had hoped a childhood companion would be able to help her mother in some way.

Ser Arton hesitated a moment, but then nodded, "I will return to your mothers side out of duty to Queen Aemma," he said, "I cannot say for certain my house's allegiance will follow,"

"That does not bother me," Vasarez said, "I will return you to Dragonstone, make sure you arrive there quicker on dragon back,"

"I am not riding on a dragon, your grace-"

"You are not wasting my time either, Ser Bolton," she snapped back, "collect your things, we're to leave within the hour. I have things to do before Daemon gets his hands in the way of my plans,"

Arton nodded, turning and leaving.

shorter chapter in forgive me yall
it's kinda a filler
i just rlly wanted to introduce arton and my now made up bolton family tree bc where tf is proof of their existence before game of thrones 💀🙏

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