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"have you forsaken me?"

SER Artyn arrived at Dragonstone but an evening later, he had rode on Dragon back despite his pleas not to

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SER Artyn arrived at Dragonstone but an evening later, he had rode on Dragon back despite his pleas not to. Vasarez had paid them no mind and told him to get on.

Nafleer settled on the grasslands around Dragonstone, allowing Vasarez and Artyn to walk to Dragonstone's gates. There, their arrival was announced and the Princess stepped into the council room, Ser Artyn just behind.

"Princess," Rhaenyra said, a relieved looking smile on her face. Vasarez dipped her head a slight, stepping down to take her usual place beside Rhaenys.

"I have secured your alliance with House Bolton, mother," she said, voice somewhat quiet, "as well as that, Ser Artyn has agreed to join the Queens guard,"

Artyn was stood at the foot of the table, exchanging a brief glance with Rhaenyra. Who despite her efforts not to show too much emotion, was relieved to see him too.

"My Queen, if I may continue," Maester Gerardys continued, "the Prince Jahaerys was slain in his sleep, it is yet unclear how the keep itself was breached. The boys head was severed from his body,"

Vasarez faltered, her eyes growing wide as she looked to the Maester, "Helaena's boy?"

The Maester nodded, "thousands witnessed the procession, the Hightowers had him drawn through the streets while his grieving mother and grandmother sat in a carriage behind him,"

The news made Vasarez ill, no child deserved that. And no mother deserved to have their boy paraded around the street like some prized, dead mare.

"And they're accusing me of having a hand in this?" Rhaenyra asked, looking between the councilmen's faces.

"That is what we have found out, yes,"

"We will send a message, and double our guard here," Rhaenyra decided, "more patrols,"

"We should limit those coming in to Dragonstone, mother," Vasarez said, "Otto Hightower is known to have a many spies for him, too many for us to know the faces of them all. We cannot risk your wellbeing,"

Rhaenyra nodded, going to speak before Jacaerys spoke up.

"Vermax and I can patrol the Gullet, Rhaenys is needed he-"

"No," Rhaenyra quickly shot back, shaking her head. Vasarez looked to her mother, then to Jacaerys, who looked thoroughly pissed off.

"Vermax is not an experienced dragon, nor is he a big one," Vasarez spoke up, in defence of her mothers choices, "and you have no battle experience,"

"And you do?" Jacaerys asked, brows furrowing as his hands rested on the handle of his sword. Vasarez merely looked at him, tilting her head to the side only slightly to tell him to cut it out.

Which he did.

Changing the subject, Rhaenyra spoke up next, "What of your house, Ser Artyn?" she asked, "last I heard House Bolton wishes to remain neutral,"

"My brother is.. ill, Your Grace, some days he still believes he is a mere twelve year old playing hide and seek," Artyn admitted, "It is I and my sister that are now making our houses decisions, and if you wish it we are happy to fight for the rightful Queen,"

It was a promise - he owed Rhaenyra too much.

"Very well," Rhaenyra hummed, nodding slightly.

The council was soon dismissed, Vasarez had intended to go down to her room, but was stopped when feeling her brother's hand on her arm. It wasn't a harsh grip, but it certainly wasn't gentle.

"What is it, brother, I wish to sleep-" Vasarez started, turning to face him. Upon seeing his more than angry face, however, she sighed, "let's not do this in the hallway,"

They went to his room, which was the closest. It had been right next to Lucerys'.

"You belittled me in front of that council," Jacaerys immediately shot at his sister once the door was shut, "you should have defended me-"

"To see you killed? The same way Lucerys was? Or perhaps to be shot down with those scorpions?" she asked, her brows furrowing, "I promised your brother protection if he needed it and au could not give him it," she continued, her voice breaking only slightly, "I will not have you flung into a dangerous position simply because you wish to prove yourself,"

"You wish to do the same! Where were you when we held a funeral for-" he faltered, his brows furrowing as his voice cracked.

Vasarez fell silent, unable to find proper words to respond, "You are angry at me," she whispered simply, "why,"

"You were not there," he mumbled, "when I returned," he continued, looking at his sister, "I wished to see you and you were not there,"

Vasarez faltered, a small sigh leaving her lips. Walking to him, she gently pulled him into a hug, giving him plenty chance to pull away if he so wished. But, to her slight surprise, his hands gripped her back and he held onto her tightly.

"I am sorry for not being there," she murmured, "I just couldn't accept the idea of him being gone, and that funeral-"

Jacaerys just nodded, he understood. His sister had a tendency to not accept death, she never accepted Laenor's death, and refused to attend the funeral. Instead she sat at the beach in the water, much like she had when Lucerys died.

Vasarez pulled back, both hands cupping her little brothers face, "I understand your desire to prove yourself, believe me. I want to too," she admitted, her left hand carding through his hair briefly. He looked so much like Ser Harwin Strong these days - even if she wasn't allowed to admit it. Her hand moved back to cup his face, her thumbs gently rubbing over his cheeks, "but, you must be patient. Not only have we just lost our brother, but mother has lost her son. She does not wish to lose us too,"

Jacaerys nodded, "she let you go to Dreadfort-"

"No," Vasarez corrected, "I went without telling her," It was a silent bit of advice, so Vasarez continued to make sure her brother didn't do something stupid with it, "but I went somewhere I knew would be safe, while also knowing that having that houses alliance was vital,"

Jacaerys nodded, giving his sister another hug before she left. Finally heading down to her room, spotting Aris outside her door.

"Where have you been? You were not at the council," Vasarez said.

"I wasn't aware you were back, Princess," he admitted, "but I'm glad you're here in one peace," Aris said, a tender smile on his face.

Vasarez hummed and went to go inside her room, "are you standing out here all night or joining me?" she asked, Aris merely chuckled and followed her inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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