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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒚 ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

Today was my first day at Mystic Falls High School and I was definitely rocking the whole outfit out.

Walking on the pavement to the public highschool, a blur of red streaks flew past my eyes and materialised as a beautiful girl with the prettiest blue eyes.

"Hi! I'm Caroline! You're the new transfer student, right? Darcy Cerus, right? Oh. My. God. Would you like to try out for the cheerleading team? You totally have the body for it! I'm sorry for rambling, I'm just so excited!" She rambled and I giggled. She was so adorable. I wanted to put her in my pocket and keep her safe.

"It's fine. Even though you know my name, let me introduce myself. Hi, I'm Darcy and I'm the new transfer student and I would love to try out for the cheerleading team." I told her and she let out an excited squeal.

"As the older one here, I'll show you EVERYTHING you need to know!" 

"On one condition," she listened attentively. "we exchange numbers and become friends." Her serious face morphed into a large smile before hooking her arm with mine and dragged me along.

"If we're going to be friends—which we most definitely are—we need to go for shopping trips!!!!" She exclaimed and I nodded grinning at her.

She was really much more intelligent than she seemed. She may be intelligent in a bookworm way as she stated, but she is a Wiz at gathering information. She already found out which classes I was in and who was probably going to sit next to me.

I didn't even realize that we reached the canteen until she pulled me with her towards two brunettes. One of them had an olive tan skin tone looked a tad bit bitchy but maybe that's just me. The other had a mocha skin tone and she looked slightly friendlier. Both were really pretty but the first girl's scent almost made my nose wrinkle. It was as if she showered in some sort of cheap, strong perfume.

"Elena! Bonnie! Hi! How are you? She's ok right?" She chattered to the darker skinned girl of the two.

"I'm right here, Care." The girl who I assumed was "Elena". She rolled her eyes while I narrowed mine at her until Elena and Bonnie turned their attention onto me and I put on a nice expression.

"Hi, I'm Darcy. I'm the new transfer." I said and Elena eyed me up and down before she decided to talk. It was actually pretty annoying and I could tell that me and her were not going to be friends.

She gave me a fake smile. "Hi. I'm Elena and that's Bonnie. Nice to meet you." She was definitely not happy to meet me but I put on another fake smile that mirrored hers. "Ditto."

Caroline the lifesaver of mine took my arm again and dragged me away, watching at the other two. "I'm going to walk Darcy to her classroom! See you guys in class!" She shouted and I smiled. She just has this energy that made you really want to giggle, laugh or smile.

"Are you close to them?" I asked her and she gave me a small smile and bobbed her head.

"We knew each other since diaper time. But they're closer to each other then I am." Her smile flickered slightly and I furrowed my brows slightly.

"I have decided that I don't like them much." I told her and her eyes widened.

"Why? Everyone likes Elena." She started as if that was what she sincerely believed.

"Something about her spells the words "fake" and "bitchy" to me and you seem sad because of them so I have come to the conclusion that I don't like them." Her eyes teared up and she gave me a bright smile.

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