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Episode 76.

" bunda" panggil jae

" iyaa, ada apa sayang?" balas Aqeela

" jae mau tanya sama bunda tapi jae takut nanti bisa buat bunda marah" ucap jae

" kenapa harus takut sayang apa yang kamu takutin jae, kalau kamu mau tanya sama bunda tanya saja sayang gak usah takut " ucap Aqeela 

" soalnya aku mau tanya sama bunda soal kakek dan nenek aku bun. tapi kalau nggak boleh sama bunda gapapa kok, jae tahu sih perasaan bunda" ucap jae

" Apa ini sudah saatnya aku kasih tahu jae soal mami dan papi? jika aku rahasia kan ini terlalu lama tidak baik juga untuk jae. Tapi jika aku nggak kasih tahu yang sebenarnya, aku takut jae akan tahu soal ini dari orang lain dan dia bakalan benci aku selamanya, nggak aku nggak mau sampai itu terjadi " ucap batin Aqeela

" jae kalau kamu mau tanya soal kakek sama nenek jae, gapapa tanya saja sayang bunda akan jawab apa yang kamu tanyakan " ucap Aqeela

" Mom, are grandparents still with us all this time?" Tanya jae

" Yes, dear, grandfather and grandmother are still with us. maybe he is near us even though he is very far from us " ucap Aqeela

" then where are they now mother, jae misses them " ucap jae

" sooner or later you will find out, dear, but it's not here, maybe grandfather and grandmother are sleeping right now " ucap Aqeela

" Oh yes...mother, does your grandmother have a beautiful face like you? Jae wants to know whether Jae's grandmother is as beautiful as her mother or more beautiful than her mother" ucap jae menatap Aqeela

" Do you want me to show you a photo of me with your grandmother boy? ucap Aqeela

" if mother lets me see it, jae no problem hehe " ucap jae

" "Okay... okay... I'll show you a photo of you and your grandmother." ucap Aqeela

"Hurry up, mother, I want to see it! " ucap jae

" You're so, take it and look at your grandmother's photo, Jae " ucap Aqeela menyodorkan handphone ke jae

" wow... this looks very beautiful, mother, it's no wonder that mothers are also beautiful, but grandmothers have this beautiful face, hehe " ucap jae melihat foto kebersamaan Aqeela dan juga mami papi nya

" Mum, is that the one next to Grandpa? " tanya Jae

" That's right dear, that's your grandfather, what do you think? " ucap Aqeela

" Here, Grandpa looks very young, Mom, and he also looks as strong as he is, handsome, just like Dad " ucap jae sambil senyum ke foto nenek dan kakeknya

" Yes, dear grandfather, you look very handsome, don't you? " ucap Aqeela sambil mengelus kepala jae

" Hello son, father? Hello, dear?" sapa Rassya yang baru saja datang

" hello dad, dad, look at this very handsome and handsome, isn't it grandpa's photo " ucap jae sambil memperlihatkan galeri foto Aqeela ke rassya

" oh yes darling, very handsome and also handsome photo of your grandfather" ucap Rassya

" like dad isn't he, dad is also handsome and handsome hehehe " ucap jae duduk di pangkuan aqeela lagi

" you could be daddy's boy " balas Rassya sambil senyum

" We're leaving again, don't forget to wear your seat belt so that nothing happens" ucap Rassya menjalankan mobilnya

" This is your cellphone, mother, thank you for lending me your cellphone " ucap jae tersenyum

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