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Episode 77.

saat ini rassya sudah sampai dibandara ia mengantarkan istri dan anaknya, setelah itu ia masuk ke pesawat itu dan membawa koper satu persatu.

" Jae, please take care of mother there first" ucap Rassya

" Didn't father come with me and mother and father's younger siblings? " Tanya jae kepada rassya

" Dad will go there later, but after dad's business here is finished." ucap Rassya

" Jae wants dad to come with Jae too, pity dad if he's alone here " ucap jae sedih

" Jae, don't be sad, dad is fine here, just pray, boy " ucap Rassya

" Dad made a promise to Jae, that Sunday, Dad has to go back to Indonesia to meet Jae and Mom and his siblings too. " ucap jae

" Yes, I promise, I'll be there next Sunday, don't be sad, my son can't be a whiny boy, hehe " ucap Rassya

" My father is not a whiny man!! why is dad so annoying? " ucap jae kesal

" sorry, sorry, come on, come on, the plane is about to leave " ucap Rassya

" If that's the case, let's go in first, Dad, I'm here to take care of myself, okay " ucap jae

" good little prince daddy " ucap Rassya

" Is it okay to hug dad first?" ucap jae

" of course baby boy " balas Rassya merentangkan tangannya


" Jae loves dad, I love Rassya's dad" ucap jae peluk tubuh rassya

" Dad loves Jae too, dad will miss you both " ucap Rassya

" sana kamu masuk nanti ketinggalan lhoo kalau jae nggak masuk-masuk " ucap Rassya

" I'll go in first, dad" ucap jae

" yeah boy " balas Rassya

" bye..bye dad " teriak jae sambil lari-larian

" byee little boy " balas Rassya teriak

" Aku berangkat dulu rassya, jaga diri baik-baik kamu yaa jangan lupa shalat dan ingat kalau makan harus tepat waktu nggak boleh tunda² makan okee" ucap Aqeela

" siap istriku...sana kamu masuk sudah ditunggu jae tuh " ucap Rassya

" Awas yaa kalau aku tahu kamu dekat-dekat sama cewek disini apalagi sampai goda-godain, aku hukum kamu nanti " ucap Aqeela

" iyaa bawelll...iihh sana masuk " ucap Rassya

" aku pamit dulu yaa sayang assalamualaikum " ucap Aqeela menyalimi Rassya

" waaikumsalam wb. salam buat rey dan sandy sama mamah papah yaa sayang " ucap Rassya

" okee nanti aku sampaikan" balas Aqeela lalu pergi naik ke pesawat

" byee byee jae, ji soo, dan juga Lee " teriak Rassya

" byee ayah!!!" teriak jae dari dalam pesawat

" I will definitely miss you dear Aqeela, I hope you are fine there " ucap Rassya lalu melangkah pergi dari bandara

" I will definitely miss you dear Aqeela, I hope you are fine there " ucap Rassya lalu melangkah pergi dari bandara

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