Cloacal Kiss

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It didn't work. If anything, the move made things worse. For the first two days, Gavin had run around in circles, flapping and cawing as he looked for Nines. By the third day, he'd figured out where he was, only he couldn't get to him. He hopped and flapped along the mesh fence, cawing mournfully. That Nines answered only seemed to make it worse. They both sounded miserable, crowing at all hours of the day. On day four, Gavin had attacked the fence so vigorously that he'd managed to scrape his beak on the mesh, leaving behind a noticeable scratch. By day five, he'd given up the fight and found a new spot, sitting on top of the coop where he had a clearer view of the old pen and Nines' distant form. The black cock had a similar idea, sitting atop his own coop and flapping his wings as if waving.

Along with the distress came a drop in health. Where before Gavin had been happy to eat and preen his feathers, he was now lazy and lethargic. He barely pecked his seed, prompting Hank to take him to the vet again. Luther was patient as he looked him over, wincing where he'd started plucking his own feathers out. He was a sad-looking lump as he slumped on the table, not even kicking in protest as he usually did. Luther gave him a shot to perk him up a little, but upon hearing Hank's story, there was really only one conclusion.

"Lovesick?" Richard snorted in disbelief at the news, having had similar problems with Nines. There was no way his rooster was lovesick! Not when he was spoiled and wanted for nothing. Fresh water, crisp hay, the finest seed, a sea of voluptuous hens. What more could a healthy rooster want? Apparently, another rooster. Hank shrugged as he leaned on Richard's doorframe, having dropped by to discuss the situation and come to some sort of agreement. He was actually a little out of his element, having never had a proper conversation with the man before.

"I've never heard of it either, but it's the only explanation." Richard gave another scoff, lips curling as he stepped inside and left the door open. Accepting the silent invitation, Hank followed him through the large wooden hall into an open-plan kitchen, which was far more orderly than his own. Everything had its proper place in various pots and boxes, china cups and plates neatly stacked in glass-fronted cabinets. Richard filled a heavy-looking kettle and set it on the Aga, a huge black gas oven that was always running. It made the kitchen feel quite stuffy in the spring and summer, but kept things warm in the winter.

"Well, what do you expect me to do about it?" Hank watched from the doorway as Richard grabbed two cups and spooned some leaves into a teapot. He was dressed down today, wearing a fresh set of jeans and a light linen shirt that was unbuttoned at the collar, giving him a glimpse of the dark hair on his chest. He was clean shaven that day and his dark hair was combed, a clear sign he hadn't been out in the stables that morning. The discarded jacket and empty carrier suggested he may have been busy on a mission of his own.

"What if we opened up the coops? Let the two groups mix?" Richard looked utterly bewildered.

"Are you mad? These are breeding stock! I don't want your rooster anywhere near my hens!" Hank gave him a withering look. They really didn't have much of a choice. It wasn't like the roosters would mate the hens as things were. Maybe mixing it up was what they needed.

"Fine! How about you send Nines over to my coop for a playdate?" Richard paused as the kettle whistled, slowly pouring out the water and setting it aside before resuming their current argument. Despite his hot temper, he didn't hurry himself, patiently waiting for the leaves to brew. Hank watched as he grabbed a small sugar bowl and ceramic jug, which he topped off with milk to complete the service.

"And let Nines mate your hens?" He didn't see how that was fair. Nines was expensive breeding stock! He shouldn't be wasting his season on common hens. The quality of the rooster was of no concern to Hank. He'd be happy with chicks of any kind. It was a shame Richard was so stubborn with his penny pinching attitude.

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