Part 1

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"Doctor Lana" a nurse came to a girl who was the doctor named Lana. "Yes?" Lana answered in confusion as she saw the nurse was in hurry.

"Doctor Lana Sir Seokjin is calling you" the nurse stopped and then said "Doctor, Sir was a bit angry"the nurse said in a low voice not knowing what happened. "Huh?" Lana was confused thinking what did she did that Sir Seokjin is angry.

As she was in her thoughts the Nurse said "ma'am please be in hurry, Sir said that me to tell you to come quickly" "oh ok I am going to Sir"

Lana said to the nurse and took her coat and started waking to Doctor Seokjin cabin. While walking she had many thoughts, being a bit afraid as she was a new doctor and the doctors in this hospital was so strict.

But.............. Sir Seokjin was a soft person, he don't scold people. So she was a bit confused about the matter.

Finally she reached at Seokjin's Cabin. She bowed at him while saying "yes Sir, you called me?" Lana asked him while being professional as he was in his professional mood.

"Hmm Doctor Lana you was the one who did the child surgery?" Seokjin asked Lana. "Sir, that surgery when the child and his family had accident one?" Lana asked because she had treated a lot kids but this kid was the last one she treated.

"Yes, the accident one" Seokjin replied. "Yeah sir I was the one who did that kid surgery, but why are you asking?" Lana asked him not knowing what he was up to.

"Well" Seokjin stopped a bit, now Lana was a bit afraid, many thoughts were lingering in her mind.
"Yes sir what happened?is something wrong?" Lana finally asked him is something wrong or not.

"Well, well we all seniors doctors had a meeting and you, you are having a promotion" Seokjin said this while looking at Lana, wanting to see her reaction.

"Wait what? Really? Am I going to be a surgeon?" Lana asked being shocked that she is getting a promotion in just a few months.

"Yeah as your performance is incredible and you always do you work" Seokjin answered Lana. "Thank you so much I am just shocked" she said to Seokjin while bowing towards him being so much happy.

"Why are you saying me thank you, it's your all hardwork, Congratulations"
The news of Lana promotion blast in their hospitals, some people were saying it was because of her hard work, some were saying it was because of favouritism, some were jealous of her and many people had different point of views
"Mr.Kim you have a meeting to attend" A boy which was the man secretary said to the man named Kim Taehyung "hmm with who?" The man named Kim Taehyung asked him in his cold icy voice.

"Sir with Mr.Lim" Jake, the man's secretary said to which Taehyung just hmm.
"Mr.Kim would you like to collaborate with us? Mr.Lim asked to Taehyung after their presentation was done. "Hmm ok but 70% of the profit would be mine" Taehyung said to Mr.Lim in which Mr.Lim  replied "mr.Kim 70% would be a lot we can do 50-50?" Mr.Lim asked him

"70% and I don't care, and remember your company needs me not I need your company for fame or anything" Taehyung said in his cold voice in which Mr.Lim didn't argued more because he knew Taehyung was kind off right.

Mr.Lim just said ok to Taehyung about the profit and they both were done with their presentation etc.

Before going Taehyung said to Mr.Lim in his cold voice which can give shivers to anyone " If you dare to betray me then be ready to be killed" listening to Taehyung mr.Lim said "W-why would I-I be-" when he was saying Taehyung just left the meeting room.
Taehyung was in his car, his secretary was driving the car. Well you all most be wondering how can Taehyung trust his Secretary that much, Jake is Taheyung cousin. Jake was Taehyung mom's brother son so Taehyung trusts him.

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